Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Small Phistomefel

(Published on 23. April 2023, 13:19 by Stoer)

Small Phistomefel

This puzzl is a variant of the Phistomefel Ring and uses some logic that i found intresting. Happy solving!!


1. Normal classic rules apply

2. Digits inside a cage do not repeat and sum to the small clue in the corner of the cage.

3. Marked diagonals sum to the given total.

4. Digits in the circled cells represent the sum of all digits along the path that the arrow travels.

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Solution code: Row 3 and 4 with no spaces

Solved by albertol, Tilberg, jalebc, mattjhussey, Ood, SKORP17, Fw1728, lars, AvonD, Gryllulus, DiMono, Ragna, H.I. McDunnough, yttrio, bansalsaab, laky, cdwg2000, Silverstep, by81996672, PippoForte, Felis_Timon
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Last changed on 14. May 2023, 08:26

on 14. May 2023, 08:24 by Silverstep
Not as tough as the other commenters make it out to be (as long as you know the theorem, of course). 23 minutes for me. If the theorem wasn't required, I would peg it as a 2-starer.

on 24. April 2023, 22:41 by Ragna
Wow! That was hard work. Over 4 hours... (I do not know this Phisto-Trick.)
Thank you for sharing. :-))

on 24. April 2023, 21:45 by DiMono
Very nice logic that was tough to spot but rewarding to find.

Last changed on 23. April 2023, 17:20

on 23. April 2023, 17:18 by Tilberg
The break-in was elegant (and not that difficult to find). But the next major deduction was really tricky. After that, it was mainly a question of diligence until it came to the final disambiguation. Thanks!

Der Einstieg elegant und nicht allzuschwer zu finden, aber der nächste Schritt war arg knifflig. Danach mußte man vor allem sorgfältig sein, bevor es zur abschließenden Klärung kam. Danke!

on 23. April 2023, 16:51 by albertol
was really tough but good one.

Rating:91 %
Solved:21 times
Observed:12 times

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