Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Limitless Potential #1: Zero to Infinity

(Published on 23. April 2023, 09:53 by Playmaker6174)

Welcome everyone to another mini-series from mine, it's called Limitless Potential.

In this series, I want to look at some more interesting variant combos that have great potentials for making cool and beautiful puzzles, and the first entry here will explore the combo of X-sum and Equaline (I wasn't 100% sure about the origin of the name 'Equaline', but the popularization of it can be found in Mad-Tyas's collection of puzzles using such line). Another main inspiration came from Qinlux during a speed setting contest held by Memeristor (with the nickname purpl on here) not a long while ago.

Anyway, I think this puzzle has a funny start with also a trickier yet remained fascinating solve path later on. I hope you enjoy!


- Normal Sudoku rules apply within the 9x9 grid: every row, column and 3x3 box contains digits from 1 to 9 each once.

- Some lines are in the grid. All of the lines with the same color must have the same total of all numbers on each of them.
Note that it's possible that different colored lines have the same total.

- A cell outside the 9x9 grid with a line touching it contains an X-sum clue, i.e the sum of the first X cells starting from its direction, where X is the value of the first cell next to that clue.


F-puzzle - Penpa plus (alt. link) - CTC app (alt. link)

Good luck and have fun solving!

Solution code: Column 3 in the 9x9 grid (top to bottom), along with the values of all X-sum clues, writing them in increasing order

Last changed on on 11. September 2024, 09:22

Solved by Snookerfan, Steven R, karlmortenlunna, halakani, h5663454, Piatato, killer_rectangle, peterkp, AvonD, Ood, bansalsaab, rmn, galgamer, keerdelta, zlotnleo, farodin64, Franjo, marcmees, Martijn314, henrypijames, polar, Jesper, lerroyy, madhupt, Statistica, laky, Vebby, Silverstep, darrenfwl, Niverio, cdwg2000, ManuH, gynu, Bankey, Bobbobert, PippoForte, Sewerin, Agent, Calesch
Full list


on 3. July 2023, 10:01 by Bankey
Very hard but fun. Thanks, @ Playmaker6174 :).

on 17. May 2023, 18:58 by Niverio
Lovely puzzle! The arithmetic interactions are stunning!

on 11. May 2023, 04:24 by Silverstep
42 minutes! Funny puzzle, would recommend. Lots and lots of naked singles out of nowhere.

on 25. April 2023, 14:03 by henrypijames
Again surprised by the difficulty rating - 3⅓ for me.

on 23. April 2023, 14:30 by Piatato
Very interesting and fun puzzle. Cool interactions as usual. :)

on 23. April 2023, 13:36 by karlmortenlunna
Very fun all the way. Some tricky steps, but I really enjoyed the puzzle!

on 23. April 2023, 12:43 by Snookerfan
Great puzzle, very enjoyable! Thank you

Rating:98 %
Solved:39 times
Observed:13 times

Variant combination Online solving tool Arithmetic puzzle

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