Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Tornado of numbers

(Published on 19. April 2023, 23:46 by parachute)

This is a so much simpified version of "The chromatic windmill" made by, a sudoku that I saw on CTC channel (not the first that appear in Youtube). Normal sudoku rules aplly. Grey lines are palindromes, you can read the same starting from their two ends. Numbers can't repeat in cages. F-puzzles:https://f-puzzles.com/?id=2atozk67 Penpa+:https://tinyurl.com/my8d892s

Solution code: Top cage followed by bottom cage. Left to right, up to down (18 digits).

Last changed on on 20. May 2023, 01:40

Solved by SKORP17, Banana, asver, NineK, sacklunch, flaemmchen, ScatterBrain, hannahh, butch02, Rollo, Nylimb, geronimo92, novarielet, Schesam, Crul, arteful, JSmoove1099, Jordan Timm, fuxia, Steve360, ... PippoForte, jgarber, zrbakhtiar, gUBBLOR, zhergan, lutzreimer, Montikulum, Kekes, saskia-daniela, Felis_Timon, LachyDachy, Thomster, Natka23, VeTaurus, Carolin, Martini&Toto, finger, kross
Full list


on 20. May 2023, 01:40 by parachute
solution code rewrited

on 23. April 2023, 07:42 by ScatterBrain
The solution code could be read as: top cage, followed by bottom cage, left to right, top to bottom.

on 22. April 2023, 23:02 by parachute
jijijija again

on 22. April 2023, 17:11 by parachute
more information

on 22. April 2023, 17:07 by parachute
correct code

on 22. April 2023, 16:51 by parachute

on 21. April 2023, 01:12 by DiMono
Solution code is either broken or poorly described.

on 20. April 2023, 17:45 by arteful
so none of us have figured out the solution code.. its a nice puzzle though!!

on 20. April 2023, 16:09 by Mouski
Looks like I'm not the only one trying to figure out how to enter the solution code. Tried many different approaches without success.

on 20. April 2023, 15:05 by SKORP17
verschiedene Kombinationen ausprobiert, keine funktioniert

on 20. April 2023, 13:36 by Piatato
It's a good one star puzzle. Maybe, in addition to hopefully fixing the solution code, you should mention the name (Eric Rathbun) of the author of the original puzzle? :)

on 20. April 2023, 09:55 by MonsieurTRISTE
In the chinese language, we call you a miyuren (literally "puzzle guy"), since what you say (e.g. up cage and down cage) is a puzzle for other people. In case you don't get it, the word miyuren is of no compliment.

on 20. April 2023, 06:50 by ScatterBrain
I see no one has figured out the solution code yet! I've tried different combinations of the top/bottom and left/right cages, but no luck here either!

on 20. April 2023, 04:57 by Fw1728
Is 3 stars the average between the 1 star puzzle and 5 stars solution code?

on 20. April 2023, 02:50 by GorgeousNicko
Nice puzzle. Solution code way too difficult.

on 20. April 2023, 02:48 by hannahh
I solved the puzzle, but I do not know what "up cage" and "down cage" means. Can you clarify the solution code?

on 20. April 2023, 01:10 by kublai
If 'up cage' and 'down cage' are the cages on the top and bottom of the puzzle, then perhaps there is an error in solution code?

on 19. April 2023, 23:50 by parachute
XD, not xd. I don't like people that say it that way.

Rating:75 %
Solved:57 times
Observed:13 times

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