Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 19. April 2023, 13:05 by JayForty)

Normal Sudoku, Renban and German Whispers rules apply.

Additionally, the connected pink and green lines make up a mobile where the caged cells have a weight equal to their contained digit. The lines are weightless. The pink lines lean towards the side with the higher sum of weights. If the line is horizontal, the sums are equal.
Example: R9C1 is greater than R7C3, and their sum is equal to R7C4.

  • Adjacent digits along a green line have a difference of at least 5.
  • A pink line contains a set of consecutive, non-repeating, digits, in any order.


Solution code: Row 1 and column 9 (18 digits)

Solved by Jagga, Chelo, mathpesto, SKORP17, XeonRisq, ScatterBrain, Vebby, jcgodart, albertol, ArnulfKoch, abed hawila, MontanaPearl, mattnburris, AvonD, flyjim, dtoto, scushuaishuai, Fw1728, Jlrice2, avishai, ... BabaJ, ecavalli, jubengo, GertVonnegut, Crul, OldCaptainWZJ, darrenfwl, puzzlepandit, IEEE754, shafer, tuturitu, damasosos92, Carolin, PippoForte, bolado, ZornsLemon, Nemefish, lmdemasi, Niverio
Full list


on 23. March 2024, 03:56 by Nemefish
Really clever design. A bit tricky but rewarding.

on 5. May 2023, 17:15 by puzzlepandit
Nice ruleset and flow to the puzzle.

on 21. April 2023, 04:53 by faalsh
Loved it

on 20. April 2023, 19:15 by topoi
Lovely ruleset, but the mid-game did not spark joy for me, personally.

on 19. April 2023, 23:11 by abed hawila
Very nice!

on 19. April 2023, 16:49 by mathpesto
I was immediately drawn to this puzzle both because it looks so beautiful and because I love whisper/renban combos. The mobile concept is a clever addition, and made for an especially lovely solving experience :)

Rating:95 %
Solved:77 times
Observed:18 times

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