Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 19. April 2023, 10:34 by Jay Dyer)


  • In each grid, place the digits 1-6 in cells such that each row/column/region contains all digits once each.
  • Each grid contains six "sum cells", one per row/column/region. The value of a sum cell equals the cell's digit plus the digit in the same position in the other grid. No digit can appear in more than one sum cell in the same grid. Sum cells may be in the same position in the two grids.
  • Along a red line, the cells' values form a non-repeating set of consecutive numbers in any order. Along a blue line, the sum of cell values is the same in each region the line passes through. White dots connect cells with consecutive values. Not all dots are necessarily given.

Solve in Penpa+ or Sudokupad.

Solution code: Row 3 (both grids).

Last changed on on 19. April 2023, 18:34

Solved by Silverscree, tuturitu, JayForty, laky, zlotnleo, AvavaAvA, h5663454, gigglingCaduceus, SenatorGronk, bansalsaab, Vebby, 85392, wand, julien505, CrippledLamp, RJBlarmo, amarins, Azumagao, ... IEEE754, Martijn314, GexTed, Uhu, seaweed, Christounet, mang0, sth, michaal94, zhall12570, Calesch, Fenn, PippoForte, Agent, SudokuHero, BlacknWhite, Exigus, DarthParadox, Visumation, Krisonium
Full list


on 12. June 2023, 16:19 by Christounet
Wonderful setting again ! This must have been a hell of a ride for you to find the correct arrangement of lines to maintain this level of symmetry between the grids without breaking it. Thanks !

on 27. April 2023, 07:35 by konklone
I felt so proud of myself for solving this and finding each little realization and trick. It's amazing how many different things are packed into these two little grids! Just wonderful design - thank you so much for making it!

on 22. April 2023, 02:37 by dennischen
Lovely, thanks.

on 21. April 2023, 20:24 by nearestneighbour
Amazing idea & setting!

on 21. April 2023, 17:16 by Paquet Voleur
Wow!! Just incredible!

Last changed on 20. April 2023, 23:26

on 20. April 2023, 23:00 by marcmees
incredible puzzle. Real mindbender. thanks.

on 20. April 2023, 10:53 by GeorgeTheToad2
I love the modifier rule and keeping track of the sums between the grids made this special. Thank you Jay for yet another brilliant idea and puzzle.

on 20. April 2023, 03:00 by wand
an absolute joy! several moments of "but that must mean...but can it? it must...!!!"

on 20. April 2023, 00:49 by julien505
Very neat idea and amazing puzzle :)

on 19. April 2023, 18:14 by bansalsaab
Mind blowing idea. Part of me didnt want the puzzle to end.

Last changed on 19. April 2023, 14:32

on 19. April 2023, 14:32 by laky
very interesting Coloring(๑>؂<๑)

Last changed on 19. April 2023, 14:20

on 19. April 2023, 14:18 by JayForty
Another masterful and unique modifier cells construction, with some really clever a-ha moments and a very satisfying solve. Thanks!

on 19. April 2023, 12:45 by Silverscree
I love smaller sudoku grids, and this pair are just beautiful. Lovely solve with some interesting (and unexpected) colouring, though I'm not sure if that was the intended method. Thank you!

Rating:97 %
Solved:89 times
Observed:17 times

Variant combination Online solving tool Multi-grid puzzle

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