Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Mini Sandthermowich

(Published on 16. April 2023, 10:03 by PrimeWeasel)

Normal Sudoku and Sandwich Thermo Rules Apply

Question marks outside the grid are Sandwich clues showing the sum of the digits between 1 and 6. They are positive integers (not 0) and either single digits (?) or double digits clues(??). Clued sandwiches make a valid thermo with their crusts and digits, seen from the direction of the clue. All possible ? are given (rows and columns without a clue will either be 0, or won't have a sandthermowich (1436)).

F-puzzle link


Solution code: Row 2, column 6

Last changed on on 17. April 2023, 08:02

Solved by Piatato, lerroyy, marcmees, Florian Wortmann, Steaky, Jesper, Franjo, Crusader175, lilulyla, Jlrice2, mattjhussey, Myxo, Qodec, OhHeyGuysItsMax, Raistlen, brandon_bot, fpac, Jordan Timm, zrbakhtiar, ... brimmy, mishaaku, skuddlebud, geronimo92, hya, Saskia, ffricke, drf93, abadx, Rollo, The Book Wyrm, das, ManuH, Crul, Tacosian, PippoForte, saskia-daniela, Micl3785, dingledork, Dez256, jgarber
Full list


Last changed on 6. June 2023, 17:25

on 2. June 2023, 14:21 by Rollo
May ?? be 10?

~ Sure, just not 0, but I see why you got confused. Sorry

on 17. April 2023, 16:40 by baku
Great puzzle when I finally grasped the concept. I did think that no ? meant a 0, thanks for the clarification on the ruleset.

on 17. April 2023, 14:01 by SeveNateNine
Very creative rule set!

Last changed on 18. April 2023, 07:38

on 17. April 2023, 07:52 by mishaaku
I am confused about the rules. Does "All possible ? are given." mean that all rows without a ? have 1 and 6 adjacent? If so, the puzzle immediately breaks for me.

~ Sorry for the confusion. Rows or columns without a question mark will either have indeed a 1 and 6 next to each other, or the sandwich does not form a thermometer (1436)

~ Thank you for the explanation. That makes a lot of sense. I think it was the first line: "Question marks outside the grid are Sandwich clues..." that tripped me up. Changing Sandwich to Santhermowhich I think would be the smallest fix that clears up the confusion. I do like that you added a full example especially since it is a 1 star difficulty puzzle. Thanks for the fun creation and prompt response :)

Last changed on 17. April 2023, 08:06

on 16. April 2023, 21:48 by erik
Very clever

~ thanks erik

Last changed on 17. April 2023, 08:06

on 16. April 2023, 19:59 by thoughtbyte
Very nice, thanks!

~ Glad you liked it!

Last changed on 17. April 2023, 08:04

on 16. April 2023, 18:50 by zrbakhtiar
fpuzzles link may need editing in rules. nice puzzle as always

~ thanks for the solve and comment!

Last changed on 17. April 2023, 08:04

on 16. April 2023, 18:50 by brandon_bot
Nice bit of logic. The rules description in the f-puzzles/CTC links incorrectly say "1 and 9".

~ oh right, thanks!

Last changed on 17. April 2023, 08:00

on 16. April 2023, 10:16 by Piatato
Fun little snack! :)


Rating:86 %
Solved:64 times
Observed:13 times

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