Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

8x8 Irregular Sudoku

(Published on 15. April 2023, 17:11 by Jeet Sampat)

Tasty Treats


Place the digits 1-8 once each in every row, column, diagonal, and 8-cell region bounded by the thick black lines.
In cages, digits must sum to the number in its top-left corner.
On thermometers, digits must strictly increase from the bulb end.
Purple lines contain a set of non-repeating consecutive digits.

Try it on the CTC app or on f-puzzles.


Solution code: Row 8 (left to right) and column 8 (top to bottom); 18 digits, no spaces.

Last changed on on 15. April 2023, 18:41

Solved by jalebc, Ood, Bjd, SKORP17, jguer, Blake Saligia, OhHeyGuysItsMax
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on 15. April 2023, 18:41 by Jeet Sampat
Adjusted difficulty.

Solved:7 times
Observed:8 times

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