Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Snooker Table 2023

(Published on 15. April 2023, 14:07 by Florian Wortmann)

It's that time again, the World Snooker Championship has started and here is my puzzle for it. As you can see, the colours (with correct values) are on their spots. However, with the last shot, two reds have bounced off the table, and because that's a foul, they show a difference of 4 :-D Wishing you all good solving!

Normal Sudoku rules.

Difference Dots
Cells connected by a (coloured) dot contain digits with the indicated difference.

Double Arrows
The sum of the digits along a gray line is equal to the sum of the digits in the circles at either end of the line.

Little Killer
A clue outside the grid is the sum of the digits along the indicated diagonal.

Each purple line contains a sequence of consecutive digits, which can be in any order.

Link: CTC-App

Solution code: column 8

Solved by rictech, jalebc, lutzreimer, Vebby, Qodec, lerroyy, SKORP17, NotThatKindOfDoctor, nmmc123, TeamSchmidt, NeroChaos, Snookerfan, pepe74287, Notlob, belfieldtj, Crul, ArnulfKoch, liushong, Leira, Jagga, ... Phandor, jbarrella, GoldenGod, bolado, victarus, MaxSmartable, damo_89, GorgeousNicko, Mikemerin, cbrown92, mietepiet, k2u5as, jogerth, sorryimLate, lpq29743, bboom, koiking, ignigomoreno, 91loves
Full list


on 25. October 2024, 10:04 by bboom
Small remark, the '7' on the black ball is invisible in the CTC version unless I turn on "outlines on elements", which I normally have off. Might be good to go for a white digit on that one instead.

on 10. September 2024, 14:58 by jogerth
Very nice! I actually got out the pencil and pad and did some algebra.

on 31. August 2023, 09:53 by McParland57
Loved the theme

on 22. April 2023, 16:44 by puzzlepandit
Nice flow till end.

Last changed on 18. April 2023, 20:58

on 18. April 2023, 20:29 by wenchang
NICE and SMOOTH! Spoiler alert! https://youtu.be/k_bYfMMR5OY
Thanks for sharing your solve!

Last changed on 18. April 2023, 20:57

on 17. April 2023, 21:01 by baku
Awesome geometry! Thanks for sharing
Thank you :-)

Last changed on 17. April 2023, 14:22

on 17. April 2023, 12:14 by GeorgeTheToad2
The red bouncy balls were tricky at the end especially the one on the right! Great themed puzzle for this time of the year. Thank you Florian for your puzzles, they are always enjoyable.
Thank you so much :-)

Last changed on 17. April 2023, 14:22

on 16. April 2023, 23:21 by Ragna
Ein ganz tolles Rätsel! Super flüssig zu lösen. Dankeschön! Das hat Spaß gemacht. :-)
Freut mich, danke dir :-)

Last changed on 17. April 2023, 14:21

on 16. April 2023, 23:06 by dennischen
Helps to read the rules of the double arrows before I start assuming they're between lines :P Thanks for the puzzle!
Oh dear, I hope you finished with a reasonable frame time nonetheless ;-)

Last changed on 16. April 2023, 14:53

on 16. April 2023, 14:01 by flaemmchen
Beim Lösen läuft im Hintergrund die Snooker-WM ...
Deja-vue-Effect :-)
So muss es sein ;-)

on 16. April 2023, 11:26 by Florian Wortmann
Thanks everyone! This puzzle has been really fun to put together and I'm glad you also had fun solving it :-)

on 16. April 2023, 11:02 by Christounet
Playing trick shots, aren't we ?
I bet you Steve Davis could take up the challenge to hit those 2 red balls in a single shot !
Maximum break achieved here ! Thanks.

on 16. April 2023, 01:57 by BenTen
Whoever played that shot and jumped two reds off of the table was quite careless, but it allowed me to finish the solve so all is good!
Thanks for the fun puzzle.

Last changed on 15. April 2023, 23:36

on 15. April 2023, 23:35 by peep50183
Some really lovely deductions to be made here :) also the description is pretty funny :D

on 15. April 2023, 21:58 by wentel21
I absolutely loved this puzzle<3 So smooth <3 Thank you!

on 15. April 2023, 19:03 by Snookerfan
I"m a fan! Thank you

on 15. April 2023, 14:44 by rictech
Very nice puzzle! The constraints worked well together. Thanks!

Rating:97 %
Solved:177 times
Observed:16 times

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