Liar Sum Before Digit 9 #2: Mysterious Numbers
(Published on 15. April 2023, 09:32 by Playmaker6174)
The following puzzle is the second part of my previous
Liar Sum Before 9 puzzle. In this one, I utilized the power of cryptic clues and turned the main concept into an interesting puzzle.
The puzzle may be challenging for those who aren't really familiar with the concept but after some initial works, it shall be more engaging and rewarding to you. For now, I hope you enjoy this one!
- Normal Sudoku rules apply: every row, column and 3x3 box contains digits from 1 to 9 each once.
- An outside clue of a row/column gives the sum of the digits before digit 9 in its row/column, starting from that clue's respective direction. Some rows and columns have 2 outside clues in their ends.
For each of those rows/columns, one of the two outside clues must be true (gives a correct value) and the other one must be false (gives an incorrect value), which one is which is needed to be deduced.
- For a cell marked by a cage in the grid, the small number in that cage gives the sum of all digits before digit 9 in its row or column, starting from and including the cage cell itself.
But, it's required to deduce whether that cage cell only gives the correct sum in its row or column (i.e if a cage cell gives the correct sum in its row, it mustn't give that sum in its column and vice versa).
- Each letter, as well as a question mark (?), in the grid represents a digit from 0-9. Different letters represent different digits. For the case of two-digit number, the first digit is never zero (0).
Red D in R6C5 just means that digit D has to be filled in R6C5.
To demonstrate how the rules work, here's an example image. In this image, green stands for correct sum and red stands for incorrect sums for the respective types of clue.
Penpa plus -
CTC app (alt. link)
Good luck and have fun solving!
Solution code: Row 6 (left to right) and column 2 (top to bottom) in the 9x9 grid, 18 digits long with no space
Solved by Vebby, lerroyy, Arashdeep Singh, madhupt, Niverio, wullemuus, Piatato, Bobbobert
on 12. June 2023, 11:52 by Piatato
Great puzzle! Awesome logic all the way through!
on 23. April 2023, 11:25 by wullemuus
Carefully chosen hints and interactions as in Liar Sum befor Digit #1. Very diverting!
on 17. April 2023, 19:40 by Niverio
Very elegant opening and lots of intricacy in the latter half! People are definitely sleeping on this one.
on 15. April 2023, 16:34 by lerroyy
Very nice, thanks!
on 15. April 2023, 09:39 by Playmaker6174
Setter note: since a letter can be any digit from 0-9, it's quite noted that solvers should keep track of whether a letter can be 0 or not.