Normal Sudoku rules apply.
The three coloured lines are periodic. The string of digits along a periodic line is made up of one or multiple repeats of a sequence of digits without duplicates (see example below).
In addition to being periodic, one of the three coloured lines is also a Dutch whispers line (adjacent digits must differ by at least 4). Another coloured line is also a German whispers line (adjacent digits must differ by at least 5).
Digits along an arrow sum to the digit in the attached circle.
Have Fun!
Example: All three lines qualify as periodic. There are no german or dutch whispers lines in this example.
Solution code: Digits from row 4 then column 6
on 18. September 2023, 21:24 by Prutsbeest
Wow, I did not expect this! Nice construction indeed, maybe the difficulty can be 4 stars even.
Thanks for the lovely puzzle; Schorsch!
on 23. April 2023, 09:05 by Phistomefel
Mir gefällt die Idee hinter den Periodic Lines sehr gut und das Rätsel fand ich super! Dankeschön, Schorsch! :)
on 14. April 2023, 10:00 by Schorsch
Thank you very much! :)
on 14. April 2023, 01:45 by OutOfMyMindBRB
Very nice setting with fun solve path - thanks :-)
on 13. April 2023, 23:46 by Schorsch
Fixed typo peridic -> periodic