Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Build Your X-Sums

(Published on 9. April 2023, 06:53 by greyden)

Build Your X-Sums


1. Normal Sudoku rules apply. The digits 1-9 appear exactly once in every column, row and 3x3 box.

2. Diagonals. The digits 1-9 appear exactly once on each of the main diagonals.

3. German Whisper Lines. Adjacent digits on a green line must differ by at least 5.

4. Kropki Dots. Cells seperated by a black dot are in the ratio of 1:2. Cells seperated by a white dot are consecutive. Not all dots are given.

5. X-Sums Variation. Each row, column and diagonal marked with an arrow must have the first X number of cells sum to a specific two-digit total. The two-digit total reads as the first two digits from the clue. The closest cell is the tens value, the second closest is the ones value. The number of cells that add to this total is the digit in the third cell from the clue. (e.g. A row with digits 2-1-6-3-4-5-7-8-9 would be valid as the first 6 cells sum to 21.)

Solve on f-puzzles

Solve on CTC

Please Enjoy!

Solution code: Please enter Row 2 and Row 8 from left to right without spaces.

Solved by emwmasu, jalebc, Snookerfan, AN_not_IO, efnenu, SKORP17, cfor, Onyx, by81996672, AvonD, Steven R, farodin64, troptot, amarins, marcmees, MarthaB, Crul, HelloKetene, codewizard, Saskia, louisa, Jodelbanane, PippoForte, cornuto, ManuH, juhish
Full list


on 11. April 2023, 01:18 by MarthaB
Great fun! Thanks for providing this puzzle.

on 9. April 2023, 09:39 by jalebc
very good One of the most entertaining puzzles

on 9. April 2023, 09:13 by emwmasu
One of the most entertaining puzzles in a long time, bravo!

Rating:88 %
Solved:26 times
Observed:18 times

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