Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Just Sum Ambiguity

(Published on 8. April 2023, 07:22 by SSG)

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Region Sum Lines: The sum of digits along a line must be the same within each region the line passes through.

Additionally, each line satisfies one of the following:

Entropic Lines: Along an entropic line any run of three cells contains exactly one low {1,2,3}, one medium {4,5,6}, and one hight {7,8,9} digit.

Modular Lines: Along a modular line the digits in any run of three cells must all have different remainders under division by 3.

f-puzzles: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=2857qs53
CTC: https://tinyurl.com/2z5fjcn2

Solution code: Row 1 + Column 1 (18 digits)

Solved by Las4one, cdwg2000, efnenu, mattjhussey, SeveNateNine, Jagga, Johannes Quack, AvonD, Jlrice2, Titonious, Bjd, ghosting, Mad-Tyas, by81996672, DVFrank, henrypijames, Julianl, tangobunni, cbrown92, ... fjam, gedorfpohm, lianarox, dennischen, Samish, MaizeGator, achim-t, Chishiri, Kallor, topoi, geronimo92, ManuH, Hawkfeather, seaweed, Uhu, Troubleman, michaal94, Krisonium, ryanprobably, tgstar
Full list


on 21. April 2023, 01:21 by Ragna
Simon, Johannes and I find, that this is wonderful puzzle.
Thank you for sharing, SSG. :-))

on 8. April 2023, 19:45 by Johannes Quack
Amazing puzzle! One of the best I've seen (and solved) for quite a long time!

Rating:90 %
Solved:55 times
Observed:19 times

Variant combination Online solving tool Arithmetic puzzle

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