Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Ancient Artifacts

(Published on 14. April 2023, 00:09 by Scojo)

This puzzle was originally set in February 2023 for the Cracking the Cryptic Discord's monthly prompt of "Professor Hale-White's Ancient Dig Site."

  • Normal sudoku rules apply. Fog of War rules apply: placing a correct digit in the grid will reveal the surrounding cells.
  • Lines are Renbans, German Whispers, or Region Sum Lines. The identity of each line must be deduced. Lines never cross or branch in this puzzle. Therefore, if two line segments enter the same cell, those line segments must be connected.
  • Renbans are a sequence of consecutive non-repeating digits in any order. German Whispers have a difference of at least 5 between each digit. Region Sum Lines have the same sum in every box they visit. If a Region Sum Line visits a box multiple times, each visit is counted as a separate sum.
  • A dot between two digits means that those digits are either consecutive or have a 1:2 ratio.

Solve in CTC

Solution code: Row 6

Last changed on on 18. July 2023, 02:57

Solved by GorgeousNicko, ScatterBrain, lianarox, nmmc123, jalebc, Sonki, liushong, SKORP17, mattnburris, by81996672, jguer, Shearing, AvonD, galgamer, JustDoggy, Kenji769, Paytertot, SXH, tuckerbucket, ... karlmortenlunna, ThirdWiseMonkey, dmgciubotaru, batmanprof, sarabtx, petecavcc, Firebird, MaciekZ, richliaofs, Marcus, Matt14, sorhead, rexxk, Kleiner_Lateiner, GoldenGod, bulguline, cbossut
Full list


on 26. May 2024, 06:45 by Karitsu
Loved every minute! Beautiful logic throughout.

on 20. April 2024, 14:23 by Jai
Favourite puzzle!!

on 24. March 2024, 00:17 by Virux

on 18. July 2023, 15:07 by vorash00
I am really enjoying fog of war as it gives me a definitive starting point. I’ll admit I made the odd mistake and fog didn’t clear - so I restarted and I did it in the end!!!

on 18. July 2023, 14:01 by Ragna
Wow! What a brilliant puzzle!
This is my absolut favorite FOW :-)) Thank you for sharing.

on 18. July 2023, 02:57 by Scojo
Corrected a typo in rules

on 27. May 2023, 12:20 by Mr.CHEN
A Chinese solve video(SPOILER ALERT):https://b23.tv/7dd9AVD

on 24. May 2023, 23:44 by Bankey
Fun puzzle. Thanks, @ Scojo :)

on 18. April 2023, 15:04 by heliopolix
Foggy ambiguity delight! This puzzle unfolds in a really satisfying way. Deducing the identity of the lines is very much fun.

on 14. April 2023, 17:48 by mattnburris
This was so satisfying to complete. There was enough ambiguity that you really had to think about each and every deduction, but then once you cracked a particular segment the fog of war opened up all new ideas. One of the most enjoyable puzzles I've done.

on 14. April 2023, 13:26 by Sonki
Very nice puzzle. Thanks for this one :)

on 14. April 2023, 01:27 by GorgeousNicko
The logic is all there, but I really had to dig deep to find it. Nice setting!

Rating:93 %
Solved:262 times
Observed:21 times

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