LIFE is a game
(Published on 6. April 2023, 00:50 by Zombie Hunter)
Title: LIFE is a game
Type: Sudoku
Link: CTC App link to LIFE is a game Sudoku
Link: F-puzzles link to LIFE is a game Sudoku
Variants: Maximum, Extra Region, Clone
0) Sudoku
- Place the digits 1-9 once each in every row, column, and box.
1) Maximum Payday
- The digit in the Dark Green squares with the out-facing arrows is greater than the four orthogonal cells.
You just got paid!
2) Extra Region
- The 9 cells centered around R5C6 are an extra region and contain a complete set of the digits 1 through 9.
3) Clone
- Digits in the colored LIFE squares are cloned by color on the spin wheel.
4) Spinning the wheel
- 4.1) Pick a path to start in B6. The top path is start a career. The bottom is go to higher education. You take a spin by DISCOVERING a digit on the wheel with Sudoku (Not the 8. It is given). Move along your chosen path by the number on your spin. "Placing the car" on R4C8 or R5C8 counts as the first move. On the next spin, the first move is the next square along the path after the last place you landed.
- 4.2) Example: Discovering that your first spin is a 6, starting on R4C8 (career) as the first move leads to R1C7 or starting on R5C8 (higher education) leads to R3C9. The next move for career starts on R1C6 and the next move for higher education starts on R2C9.
- 1st Spin) Complete a problem for your boss, or take a math exam to graduate college. Add the number of paydays touched to the Row Number where you landed. Subtract that number from the Column Number where you landed. Multiply this result by the number of paydays touched. Place this in R6C9.
- 2nd Spin) Pay income tax. Count all the paydays touched on this turn. Remit this tax in R2C2.
- 3rd Spin) You got married! Spend your honeymoon in R6C4 for the Column Number of days where you landed.
- 4th Spin) Build an X room house on R4C9. X = From the Box Number where you landed, subtract 2 then subtract the number of paydays passed this turn (Do not count a payday if you start or stop on it).
- 5th Spin) Your family has multiplied! Drive to the hospital in Row = multiply the Row Number by the Column Number where you landed. Subtract 2 from this. Column = Stay 3 days. Place a 2 for twins.
- 6th Spin) You got a raise! Double your spin number and deposit it into R9C5.
- 7th Spin) You receive an inheritance. Multiply the digit spun by 8 and invest it into R1C2.
- 8th Spin) You pick up puzzle setting as a hobby. You check Logic Masters Germany and see that you get as many solves as your Row Number. Proudly display your solves in R2C8.
- Live out your LIFE) Play to the end. Love your God. Love your neighbors.
Solution code: Please enter the 18 digits from Row 9 then Column 8.
Last changed on on 16. June 2023, 21:02
Solved by ufdigga, JayForty, mercierus, StefanSch, Wolwo, cdwg2000, ShaLaz, manushand, LittleNightmaresLady, SKORP17, OGRussHood, feethy, PippoForte, Jodelbanane
Last changed on 1. May 2023, 18:14on 1. May 2023, 18:11 by LittleNightmaresLady
Very cool and creative puzzle! Thanks for setting this! :D
on 10. April 2023, 08:54 by ShaLaz
What a fun experience! Unique twist on a sudoku puzzle.
Last changed on 6. April 2023, 21:46on 6. April 2023, 21:45 by Wolwo
Wow! It's unbelievable how people can set puzzles like this! Amazing job, thank you.
Last changed on 6. April 2023, 18:14on 6. April 2023, 17:35 by StefanSch
Hinweis: "Zahltag"-Felder sind die etwas dunkleren Maximalfelder.
Hint: "Pay days" are the darker "maximal" cells.
Of course you are correct. You have highlighted the dangers of copy/paste mentality. Thank you for picking up my slack, and thank you for taking the time to solve my puzzle. I appreciate it.
on 6. April 2023, 12:04 by JayForty
A fun and great sudoku adaptation of the game that actually felt like you're playing a board game. Well done!