A tribute and showcase puzzle, featuring original rulesets by many setters (hence the massive rules). Clicking the name of the setters will lead you to one of their puzzle using that ruleset
dopplperschg John Conway Game of Life
Solve on the CTC app
Normal sudoku rules apply, in that repeats cannot occur within any 4x4 grid (the central grid is also a 4x4, despite not showing sixteen red cells; the dotted lines are its borders)
Each 4x4 grid uses a different set of digits, which are to be determined by the solver. Moreover, only digits that appear in the central grid can appear in more than one of the outer grids
Every digit from 0 to 9 needs to appear in the final solution, and where a grid contains a 0, that grid needs to follow the Doppelganger rules (in other words, a Doppelganger grid will effectively contain a set of five digits)
– Digits in a circle tells you how many steps in the direction of the arrow you have to go (from the tip of the arrow) to find the sum of the digits on the arrow
– Arrows connected to the same circle always have the same sum
A Doppelganger grid is one containing the digit 0, and in effect, five digits. In such grids, fill the grid with the digits 0, (W), (X), (Y) and (Z) such that:
– Every row, column, and box contains the digit 0 always, as well as three out of the four digits (W), (X), (Y) and (Z) (ie, it's missing one digit that is not 0)
– No two row, no two column, and no two box may be missing the same digit
– For each 0 in the grid, the digits missing in its row, its column, and its box must be three different digits
Where a grid is proven to contain a 0, that grid has to obey the Doppelganger rule on top of the others***
– Digits in a circle indicate the sum of the digits along the connected arrow
Shade some cells green ("alive cells") such that the – up to – eight cells neighboring each green cell contain exactly 2 or 3 other green cells and the neighbors of each 'unshaded' – or grey – cell ("dead cells") do not contain exactly 3 green cells
– A CIRCLED cell's digit indicates the number of cells that are in the SAME state as its own in its neighborhood, INCLUDING its own cell
– A SQUARED cell's digit indicates the number of cells that are in a DIFFERENT state from its own in its neighborhood (therefore not including its own cell)
Samish) /
– In cages, digits may not repeat and each cage (clued with a small number in its top left corner) is either a killer cage or a coordinate cage
– In killer cages, the clue gives the sum of the digits in the cage; in coordinate cages, the clue spells out the coordinates of a cell that is the sum of the digits in the cage. It's up to the solver to determine which cage is which
– Digits on an arrow spell out the coordinates for the digit that is their sum. The row number is written on the start of the arrow, the column number is written on the arrow tip. If for example an arrow looks like this: -1 4-> then there must be a 5 in r1c4. All the arrows AND cages must correspond to different coordinates. Digits may repeat on an arrow if allowed by other rules
A 0 coordinate for the row or column would refer to the first adjacent cell in the central grid -- ie, the four red cells from the center grid that touch the blue grid could all be valid 0 coordinates
Last changed on on 29. August 2024, 00:11
Solved by filuta, bodemeister, wullemuus, Yann, DaleVandermeer, NEWS, zhangjinyang, gfoot
Last changed on 4. November 2023, 21:27on 4. November 2023, 20:50 by Yann
Superb ! Everything fits together so nicely at the end, well done on setting it, I was confused for a bit if the arrows in the blue grid with a 0 behave like the ones in atlantis, but I think so ! I really loved squeezing the logic from the Still Life grid !
Highly recommended for anyone interested (binus point : you learn new rulesets) !
Took me by surprise there, I wasn't expecting it to be so fast! But I guess you were primed just right hehe ;-) Still though, bringing it all together that quick, well done -- and extra kudos and thanks for mentioning the other rulesets and puzzles, as this was the whole basis for this puzzle, thank you so much! You and wullemuus just keep making my day, day after day! :D
Last changed on 17. April 2023, 17:26on 17. April 2023, 16:39 by bodemeister
Fantastic puzzle! Seemed to have a pinch of everything in it. I highly recommend it, although I might have a nightmare about dopplegangers. First time for me with this rule set, and special thanks to the setter for clarifying a couple rules and telling me of a special situation I didn't know was possible. 5/5 for difficulty and 100% rating.
Thank you so much for even just attempting this one -- and of course for actually pulling through, and for the kind words, I greatly appreciate it! All in all, that was quite fast, I'm impressed -- everytime I attempt a puzzle with a ruleset that's new for me, it takes me some time to wrap my head around it; five new rulesets at once, I can only imagine haha XD Bravo, and thanks so much again!