Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Reinforced 10mm Wrench

(Published on 30. March 2023, 14:05 by ypkoval)

Hello, everyone. This is a variant of my earlier puzzle on the topic of equidistant sum lines but made a little bit harder for those advanced break-in technique lovers. For your consideration and fun!



This is a puzzle of at least 3 stars difficulty.

Please evaluate the puzzle and leave feedback. This helps me construct better puzzles.

Normal Sudoku rules apply.

Digits in the cages must sum to the given totals.

Digits along each individual arrow must sum to the digit in the circle.

The cell marked with the grey square must contain an even digit.

Digits along the grey line are identical.

Along a red line, digits equidistant from the line's midpoint must sum to 10.

Digits may not repeat along the marked (positive) diagonal.

Solution code: Row 1 then row 2 from left to right, no spaces, 18 digits in total

Last changed on on 30. March 2023, 20:19

Solved by jalebc, DanScacca, zuzanina, MonsieurTRISTE, AdamGaffney96, SKORP17, efnenu, Bjd, Jagga, StephenEsven, SeveNateNine, pepu273, Jodelbanane, Crul, Lurcane, PippoForte, fca.felix.sudoku, zrbakhtiar
Full list


on 30. March 2023, 20:19 by ypkoval

on 30. March 2023, 20:08 by ypkoval

on 30. March 2023, 16:13 by MonsieurTRISTE
R1C1 and R2C2 sum to 10, not R1C1 and R9C9. I think your "in other words" might be confusing.

Rating:89 %
Solved:18 times
Observed:11 times

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