This time a sudoku with Anti-Knight's move, Kropki dots, and a Magic Square.
The puzzle is named after one of my favourite bands from when I was a little kid. I don't listen to them as much as back then, but it hits that sweet spot of childhood nostalgia whenever I do. I hope you like this sudoku :-)
Normal sudoku rules apply.
Anti-Knight's move: Cells separated by a knight's move (in chess) cannot contain the same digit.
Kropki dots: Cells separated by a black dot contain digits with a ratio of 1:2. Cells separated by a white dot contain consecutive digits. Not all possible digits are given.
Magic Square: The grey cells in box 2 form a magic square, in which all rows/columns/diagonals sum to the same total.
The puzzle:
Solution code: row 1 (left to right)