Puzzle: (For f-puzzle link, turning off conflict checker is required)
Good luck and have fun solving!
Solution code: Row 5 (9 digits, left to right) with a hyphen '-' for a region border, not counting the 9x9 border. For example: 123-456-789
on 27. December 2024, 19:38 by Andrewsarchus
Very Nice!
on 28. July 2023, 15:15 by AnnaTh
This was great fun! It looked more complicated than it actually was.Once I kept all rules in mind it was a fluent solve.
on 13. April 2023, 22:33 by marcmees
nice one. thanks
Thank you Marc! Happy to see you enjoy this one :)
on 20. March 2023, 07:24 by Playmaker6174
Changed the solution code's form so access would be better
on 20. March 2023, 07:22 by Playmaker6174
Thank you all for the solves and great feedback!
@henrypijames: it's actually funny that, at a certain point during writing this post, I only considered two main different ways for the region border for the code: either 'capital I' or the hyphen '-', and then I thought capital I would resemble the border more so I followed the choice of prior one; but then when you stated that fact, I only realized that the choice might actually backfire since not everyone solves puzzles mainly on computer and hyphen '-' is much more straightforward in lots of cases. Consider this as a mistake from myself then :/
on 19. March 2023, 16:24 by henrypijames
Can we please stop using I or X or any letter in the solution code, and use -+*/ (in some other cases also 0, but generally things that are on the numpad) instead? Entering a mix of digits and letters - especially uppercase letters - on a mobile device is almost more work than solving the puzzle.
on 17. March 2023, 12:46 by Snookerfan
Great puzzle! Thank you
on 17. March 2023, 02:19 by wenchang
Very Nice setup. Confused in the beginning because mis-read the rules. Spoiler alert!
on 16. March 2023, 21:49 by peacherwu2
Loving chaos, loving you!
on 16. March 2023, 16:32 by sirtramola
Now that I'm actually finished with the puzzle I'm typing another comment to say that this was the most fun I've had with a puzzle in some time. Lovely work.
on 16. March 2023, 16:25 by Niverio
Fascinating CC debut! Loved it.
on 16. March 2023, 15:31 by Playmaker6174
Minor changes for f-puzzle link according to feedback.
Also, thanks everyone for the lovely feedback, I'm really glad to hear the enjoyment from all of you! To be honest, I'm not so sure when I'll think of planning to try a second one :C
on 16. March 2023, 15:25 by Piatato
Lovely puzzle! It feels true to your style, with very nice interactions and all in all a very fun solve path. Thanks for sharing!
on 16. March 2023, 14:37 by sirtramola
Was wondering how I broke the puzzle twice already. The provided f-puzzles link has an incorrect arrow at R5C7. It's supposed to point straight left but points diagonally.
Oh dear, I didn’t catch that earlier when making a new f-puzzle link, I’ll fix it later when I’m free from work, thank you for pointing out the error and I’m also sorry for this issue!
Setter note: I've updated the link, you can switch to the new one and continue from your latest progress!
on 16. March 2023, 13:37 by Jesper
Lovely, thanks Playmaker!
on 16. March 2023, 13:33 by Steven R
Very nice!
on 16. March 2023, 11:35 by lerroyy
Very nice puzzle!
on 16. March 2023, 11:10 by abed hawila
Excellent puzzle! the ruleset led to lots of refreshing logic!
on 16. March 2023, 10:03 by thoughtbyte
Weird ruleset, and I loved it! Lots of fun little aha moments in here. Thanks Playmaker6174!
on 16. March 2023, 09:46 by Vebby
Thoroughly enjoyed it, especially the latter half of the solve. Great CC debut, Playmaker! Would love to see more in the future :)