Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Perfectly Average Killers

(Published on 14. March 2023, 03:13 by Tacosian)


  • Normal sudoku rules apply.
  • Digits cannot repeat along the diagonal line.
  • In cages, digits must sum to the small clue in the top-left corner of the cage; digits cannot repeat within a cage.
  • Clues outside the grid show the sum of the indicated diagonal, which may include repeated digits.
  • A cell with a grey circle must contain an odd digit.
  • For cells separated by a > symbol, the cell on the left must be greater than the cell on the right.

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You may highlight the following text to reveal some hints.

Hint #1: A three cell 15 cage that does not include 5 can only have one odd digit in it. Which odd digit it contains forces the other two digits in the cage. In other words, there are only four different types of 15 cage in this puzzle, because 5 cannot appear in any of them.

Hint #2: Given two different three cell 15 cages that do not include a 5 and which have two different odd digits in them, the following statements are true: If the sum of the odd digits between the two cages is 10, then the two cages do not have any shared digits. If the sum of the odd digits is NOT 10, then the two cages must have exactly one digit in common. For example, 1+6+8 and 2+6+7 share the digit 6, because 1 and 7 do not sum to 10. But 1+6+8 and 2+4+9 do not share any digits, because 1 and 9 sum to 10.

Feedback and comments are welcome. Enjoy!

Solution code: Row 3 and then row 8.

Solved by Leonard Hal, StefanSch, Dentones, Snookerfan, SKORP17, lianarox, Tilberg, giladooshlon, SenatorGronk, bansalsaab, gonzalez87, Trams, Ood, cdwg2000, Kimyee, Azumagao, Hazem-77, Da Letter El, Jubedu, ... jseng, cha, Blazsej007, wullemuus, LUORISHENHAIA, laky, misko, TaeChi, faisalaak, dennischen, Zzzyxas, polar, PippoForte, Silverstep, Fool on Hill, by81996672, MokuFlows, damasosos92, DadJokes, Myxo
Full list


on 16. September 2024, 16:54 by damasosos92
Fun little coloring puzzle! Thank you.

on 21. March 2023, 22:16 by Blazsej007
An absolutely astonishing puzzle, keeps the logic flowing beautifully throughout, and the end every digit falls into place with just 2 clue. Beautiful!

on 20. March 2023, 01:40 by BHUNTER47
Very satisfying to figure out the necessary constraints for each cage and then apply them.

on 15. March 2023, 19:10 by Azumagao
Amazing puzzle from beginning to the end! It was a lot of fun finding all the patterns involved.

on 15. March 2023, 09:58 by Trams
Not an average puzzle despite the name. Well done.

on 15. March 2023, 06:30 by gonzalez87
First time i solved a 5 star. Proud to say I had figured out the hints before I looked at them. When I did look at them ready to give up though, seeing i was right is what kept me going. Love the idea of leaving hints to be used if you want. Makes the puzzle more accessible to newcomers like me! Great job!

on 14. March 2023, 17:08 by StefanSch
I would like to give 6 stars for difficulty.

on 14. March 2023, 15:08 by Snookerfan
Very nice and interesting! Thank you

Rating:93 %
Solved:40 times
Observed:6 times

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