Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 13. March 2023, 01:20 by damasosos92)

The first insight on a new series of puzzles that change the geometry of the grid!


- Every little circle is the center of a 3x3 box. Fill the grid with the numbers from 1 to 9 so that in each row, column, and aforementioned box each digit occurs exactly once.

- Cells that are a chess knight's move apart must not contain the same digit.

- Digits on a thermometer must strictly increase as they move away from the bulb.

You can play Overlaps also on CTC-App.
Have fun solving and leave a comment if you want!

Solution code: Column 8, top to bottom.

Solved by Nordy, zhall12570, Gryllulus, by81996672, BellBear, SudokuHero, SKORP17, boriss, mathpesto, SenatorGronk, Statistica, Krokant, Chishiri, misko, Madoka42, lovely, PippoForte, karen_birgitta, jadezki, annnz, The Book Wyrm, cornish-john, schlathubali, Sewerin, pms_headache, Bellsita
Full list


on 25. May 2023, 00:02 by damasosos92
Thank you Krokant!

on 22. May 2023, 18:56 by Krokant
That was a fun (and at least for me) quite colourful solve. Nice puzzle. :)

on 23. March 2023, 03:57 by damasosos92
Thank you to all of you! I'm glad you liked the puzzle and thank you for taking the time commenting, Nordy, zhall12570, Gambit, by81996672 and SudokuHero!

on 15. March 2023, 03:39 by SudokuHero
I love knitting myself colorful blankets. Thanks for the amazing logic throughout!

on 13. March 2023, 14:47 by by81996672
Breaks through conventional thinking, but does not use particularly difficult skills. As long as letters replace numbers, it can be done with patience

on 13. March 2023, 13:02 by Gambit
Nice puzzle...flowed nicely after using the pen/line draw around the boxes.

on 13. March 2023, 09:12 by zhall12570
Wow!!! So fun and also I'd say closer to 4 stars.

on 13. March 2023, 04:32 by Nordy
Very nice! A beautiful journey through pure geometry that requires a fresh approach. Thanks!

Rating:90 %
Solved:26 times
Observed:9 times

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