LM-Quali 2023 Leftover: Curve Data
(Published on 14. March 2023, 20:23 by CJK)
Draw lines that connect cell centers horizontally or vertically, such that each cell is connected to precisely one cell with a clue. The shape of lines connected to a clue must be like the clue in that the relative position of horizontal and vertical segments and turns must be the same, without rotations or reflections. The lengths of straight segments may vary, but must not be 0. A black border blocks the possibility of a line through it.

Link for online solving
Solution code: Rows 2 and 8; L for corner, I for straight line, T for T-piece, X for crossing, - for a dead end.
Last changed on on 14. March 2023, 21:56
Solved by Dandelo, apiad, Jesper, Joe Average, moeve, ibag, r45, PixelPlucker, ugly2333, polar, SudokuExplorer, ffricke, Zzzyxas, bigger, AnnaTh, Mark Sweep, misko, ksun48, kishy72, Nusi, Torvelo, uvo, ropeko, MicroStudy, EKBM, CHalb
on 16. March 2023, 19:16 by Zzzyxas
Das ließ sich relativ schnell mittels vollständiger Intuition lösen, ich weiß aber nicht, ob ich mich in einem Wettbewerb tatsächlich drangetraut hätte.
on 16. March 2023, 12:35 by r45
Vielen Dank für die leckeren Nachspeisen.
on 14. March 2023, 21:57 by CJK
@Dandelo: Da war der Lösungscode wohl fehlerhaft. Danke für den Hinweis!
on 14. March 2023, 21:56 by CJK
Lösungscode korrigiert