I actually set this one about six months ago, inspired by Magnus Josefsson's compass fillomino puzzles, then it got crowded out by other things. Figured it was about time I posted it.
Solve in Penpa+ or Sudokupad (beta).
Solution code: Row 4 and column 5.
on 13. March 2023, 14:39 by DVFrank
Very nice! :^)
on 13. March 2023, 13:41 by thrutch
That was a lot of fun. Like Tilburg, I found the irregular sudoku considerably harder than the region building.
on 13. March 2023, 12:28 by Piatato
Awesome puzzle! Fun throwback to when I discovered Stephane's Compass Sudokus, which I think was my first introduction to chaos constructions. :)
on 13. March 2023, 00:03 by Elliptical
Really fun. I like this rule set even though, for some strange reason, I kept placing the digits in the wrong cells (the cell the arrow comes from instead of the cell with the arrow). Then I would have to back track and find my mistake. I lost count of how many times I did that. If only I had a brain...,
on 12. March 2023, 19:48 by udukos
Lovely puzzle! Thanks
on 12. March 2023, 16:19 by Agent
Some lovely region building logic in this puzzle!
on 12. March 2023, 15:54 by Tilberg
Wow. The compass part was actually easy compared to the irregular sudoku part. Didn't expect that! Very nice puzzle.
on 12. March 2023, 12:12 by polar
Nice puzzle thanks!
I very much second Jesper's recommendation for Stephane's compass puzzles too.
@Piatato: they can be in different regions
on 12. March 2023, 11:41 by Piatato
Ooh, I'm excited to see a new Compass sudoku! One question: must f ex r1c5 and r2c4 be in the same region, or can different regions point into the same cell?
@Piatato: Those cells do not need to be in the same region.
on 12. March 2023, 00:20 by Jesper
Very fun and smooth region construction logic!
By the way, there are actually a couple of puzzles by Stéphane Bura with pretty much exactly this ruleset (I think he called them Exploded Compass Sudoku). They were a source of inspiration for Magnus when creating the Compass Fillominos.