Japanese Sum Sudoku rules apply in each box -- clues are given for each box. The clues outside the grid indicate the sums of the contiguous runs found in that row or column that must be shaded. There must be an unshaded cell between runs of the same color. If a row or column is unclued, there is no shading in that row or column.
Boxes are numbered by convention from the left to the right and top to bottom such that the top left box is 1, top middle is 2, and so on. Within each box the cells are numbered the same way. Each box must have its box number in that position within the box (ie. box 1 has 1 in position 1, box 2 has 2 in position 2, etc.) No other digit in any box may be in its self-numbered cell.
When you are done, the shaded cells will create a picture if you put them together correctly.
This puzzle is dedicated to my dad, who recently passed away.
Solution code: row 2 column 8 of the grid with the picture.
on 22. April 2023, 15:24 by Dancefloor
What a beautiful and fun puzzle. Really lovely tribute!
on 8. March 2023, 17:11 by mathpesto
A beautiful tribute and brilliant idea for a puzzle.
on 7. March 2023, 06:50 by ScatterBrain
This was not too hard, but you have to make sure you get all the digits correctly between the 2 boards.