Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Hybrid Star Battle Series (009) - Arboretum

(Published on 5. March 2023, 20:17 by BenceJoful)


For this Hybrid Star Battle Series I will be sharing a new puzzle each week combining Star Battle with another puzzle genre. This week's genre is Arboretum. This genre was invented by scor on the CTC Community Discord. This puzzle was originally created as a Secret Santa gift for superrabbit (along with #1, TLL). Hope you enjoy!


Normal Arboreturm and Star Battle rules apply, where stars are the same as 'leaves'.

  • Arboretum: Create non-overlapping non-looping trees such that the trees fill all cells. Trees must sprout from seeds (given triangles) in the direction they point. Leaves (tree branch endpoints) from the same tree must not share a row or column. If given, a number on a seed must equal the number of leaves on the final tree.
  • StarBattle: Shade all arboretum leaves such that each row and column contains exactly 2 shaded cells. Shaded cells may not touch one another, not even diagonally.


Solve on Penpa+

1-star Example (Penpa+ link):

Solution code: Along row 5, then column 5: give a letter for each unclued cell. If shaded, give *. If the path goes straight, give I. If the path turns, give L. In the above example, the solution code is L*LL LIL*L.

Last changed on on 6. March 2023, 04:00

Solved by kjholt, Jesper, kublai, szabog, RJBlarmo, polar, rockratzero, apiad, Dandelo, Beanie, Raistlen, bernhard, moeve, data, Grausbert, Oripy, KNT, SudokuExplorer, CHalb, Mark Sweep, misko, jkuo7, hopppe, lukeyy, OGRussHood, Jaych, Torvelo, Gliperal, Zzzyxas, horanayru, Xavi 17, nottabird, ffricke, Roezaea, Uhu, puzzler05
Full list


on 25. January 2024, 17:53 by Roezaea
What a lovely puzzle. Would love a whole series of just this variant. Thank you for setting.

Last changed on 3. April 2023, 21:59

on 27. March 2023, 09:57 by CHalb
If I remember correctly, you once asked for ideas, what puzzle types you might use in this series. How about Shivers?: https://logic-masters.de/Raetselportal/Raetsel/zeigen.php?id=000DCH


Bence: Great idea, and thanks for pointing me in that direction. Hmmm, what should the hybrid ruleset be, now? Let me think :)

on 19. March 2023, 20:07 by SudokuExplorer
One of my favourite genres, thanks for the fun combo!

on 11. March 2023, 05:32 by KNT
I've never solved an arboretum before, and this genre is super neat. Great puzzle with a nice surprise in the second half.

on 10. March 2023, 12:30 by Oripy
Very nice puzzle!

on 6. March 2023, 06:54 by rockratzero
Very fun puzzle :)

on 6. March 2023, 04:38 by polar

on 5. March 2023, 22:03 by Jesper
Great puzzle!

on 5. March 2023, 22:00 by kjholt
This series is a highlight of the week :)

Rating:91 %
Solved:36 times
Observed:4 times

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