Normal Sudoku rules apply: enter the digits 1–9 in each row, column and 3×3 box.
Each row has a skyscraper sum, which is the sum of the digits ‘visible’ from the left — digits represent the height of skyscrapers and taller skyscrapers obstruct the view of smaller ones behind them (to the right). For example, the row 1 6 3 5 7 9 2 8 4 would have the skyscraper sum of 1+6+7+9 = 23.
Each column has an X-sum, which is the sum of the first X digits, where X is the first digit (X is itself included in that sum). For example, the column 5 7 2 9 4 8 1 3 6 would have the X-sum 5+7+2+9+4 = 27.
The skyscraper sums (of the rows) and the X-sums (of the columns) must progress in strictly ascending or descending order. Furthermore, neighboring values cannot be consecutive (e.g., a 12 next to a 13 is not allowed).
Where a “forbidden sandwich” clue is provided, the sandwich sum in that row/column MUST NOT equal that clue. The sandwich sum is the sum of the digits sandwiched between the 1 and the 9 (not inclusive). For example, the row 6 3 1 2 7 5 9 8 4 would have the sandwich sum of 2+7+5 = 14.
Solution code: Columns 2 and 3.
on 18. March 2023, 17:08 by Timwi
Rule clarification (skyscrapers are seen from the left).
on 9. March 2023, 20:32 by peacherwu2
Just to clarify, can the skyscraper sum and the X-sum go either way? For example, can the skyscraper sum go right-to-left?
No, the skyscaper sums are as viewed from the left. Hence the bracket on the left. Thanks for pointing that out, I will clarify in the rules.
on 7. March 2023, 15:14 by giladooshlon
Very cool idea!
on 6. March 2023, 22:12 by Timwi
Typo fix
on 5. March 2023, 02:01 by Myxo
Nice puzzle, enjoyed it!
on 4. March 2023, 21:48 by JamesH
I test solved this puzzle before publication. I think it is pretty cool. :)
on 4. March 2023, 21:46 by Timwi
Tags angepasst.
on 4. March 2023, 19:25 by Timwi
Changed Zinga link to one with updated rules phrasing
on 4. March 2023, 19:21 by Timwi
Added missing Zinga link.