Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

largest digit palindrome

(Published on 27. February 2023, 19:24 by bigger)

Standard sudoku rules applies. Fill the grid with numbers from 1 to 9 so each digit occurs exactly once in every row, column and 3x3 box.

Every line is a palindrome. Digits on the line read the same from both side.

Clue outside is the largest digit in the first three digits in that direction. All clues are given.

Ah, i remember this one, it’s between skyscraper and room number. It’s a time when i try to think about how to integrate palindrome into outside clues. The problem with this puzzle is that it’s so normal. It’s a common problem for this type. The inter-reaction is just not there. It’s the same trick in different scenario.

It’s always interesting for me to look back. I tried middle large digit, but gave up for no means to give digits (now that i think about it, i might color the whole grid and used 19 to control end grid. But i guess i just don’t like whole grid coloring) but again, i can’t use this way to set a puzzle, i don’t think me hee-hoo brain can deal with this level of multiple solution, not yet, at least.

I think this might be the most lines i put in a puzzle. Future me, remember to cluster the pointy part. Straight line needs to be balanced. Without pointy turn, it looks boring. Without straight part, it looks out of place. Straight part needs to reach symmetric around corners. And next time, no full clues.

Solution code: Row 5 and column 5(18 digits)

Solved by Ood, KlausRG, Shuhua Milk
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Last changed on 7. March 2023, 20:05

on 7. March 2023, 04:14 by Shuhua Milk
Excellent puzzle!!! The outside clues made the puzzle very interesting!

Last changed on 2. March 2023, 09:31

on 28. February 2023, 16:07 by Wuschel
@Ryx https://f-puzzles.com/?id=2pqkhzow
Might need to turn off conflict checker, as I simply entered this into an 11x11 grid.

@bigger You do not have to offer links for online solving, but it might help getting more solves. Most use online tools for solving and just don't want to spend the extra time having to set the puzzle first, as there are too many good puzzles to solve that come with links (i think).

bigger: seriously? do i still need to make the same argument again? i never say my puzzles are good puzzles and i never say i need more solves. if anyone is actually solve-handicaped without link, they are crippled and enslaved by the tools they rely on. it's like a crutch. there're only two reason why one needs a crutch. either the road is muddy, or the man using it can't walk.
another thing is that all the puzzle i post i want them to be only found here. i don't want to see the puzzles presented in a way i don't like.
one last thing, good puzzles have link doesn't means adding links will make a puzzle good. i know what i post. if giving links is just hypnotizing people to think they solve a good puzzle, i would rather keep my puzzles no-link.

@bigger I just wanted to help, didn't want to trigger you.
Also I didn't say that links make a bad puzzle good - please re-read that statement.

bigger:then what's the point mentioning many good puzzles have link. by the time you use this as a reason to persuade me to add link, you basically say i need to add link to make solvers feel i set a good puzzle. besides, many good puzzles have link, inverse negative statement is without link, it's more likely to be not a good puzzle. in this statement, providing links is not what i want.

@bigger - there are many puzzles on LMD
- many of them are good
- majority of them provide links
- most users prefer using online tools
- users will skip puzzles without link
Never did I connect existence of links and quality. Even with inverting any of the statements there is no connection.

Last changed on 28. February 2023, 04:01

on 28. February 2023, 01:14 by Ryx
Do you have a F-puzzles or CTC link for this puzzle?

bigger: why do I want to do that? it's not a must

Solved:3 times
Observed:8 times

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