(Published on 26. February 2023, 16:50 by DylanD)
As always any comments or ratings (good or bad) are very appreciated, as they help me set better puzzles.
Normal Sudoku rules apply.
Black cells contain exactly 2 digits that sum to 10 and do not count (Ignore them completely). The solver must determine which 7 digits fill the rest of the grid.
Palindromes: Grey lines read the same in either direction.
Extremes: Arrows pointing into a cell denote that the cell is a minimum, ie smaller than all orthogonally connected cells. Arrows pointing out of a cell denote a maximum. If two adjacent cells are both minimum or both maximum, their relationship is undetermined.
Arrows pointing to black cells are ignored.
XV Rows: Digits outside the grid denote how many dominoes within that row sum to 5 or 10. A cell may be part of 2 dominoes.
Black cells do not interrupt dominoes. 
A less than (<) sign has been placed between two black cells to disambiguate them in the end for grid completeness only.
Solve on
CtC or

Solution code: Row 7 including black cells.
Last changed on on 27. February 2023, 18:15
Solved by rburd5992, SKORP17, Jaych, davidjshort
Last changed on 27. February 2023, 18:24on 27. February 2023, 18:15 by DylanD
Changed description, thanks for the feedback on difficulty below!
on 27. February 2023, 18:09 by davidjshort
The difficulty for me came in prioritizing the restraints. Once I figured out the path it was pretty straight forward. I would give it a 2-3 star difficulty.
on 26. February 2023, 20:17 by rburd5992
WOO! my first "first solve". Great puzzle. Ended up not using a few of the clues. I'd probably give it 2*'s for difficulty. really enjoyed the puzzle though!