Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Hybrid Star Battle Series (008) - Tatamibari

(Published on 26. February 2023, 18:00 by BenceJoful)


For this Hybrid Star Battle Series I will be sharing a new puzzle each week combining Star Battle with another puzzle genre. This week's genre is Tatamibari. This is my first time using the "small regions" variant of Star Battle, which is quite simple (1 star per region instead of 2). I think this works well for genres that typically have lots of small regions like Tatamibari, Fillomino, and even Sashigane (though I promise not to revisit that too soon).


Standard Tatamibari and Star Battle (small regions) rules apply.

  • Tatamibari:
    • Divide the grid into rectangular regions of orthogonally connected cells, each containing exactly one clue.
    • Plus shaped clues occupy square regions.
    • Line shaped clues occupy regions in which the region borders parallel to the line are longer.
    • Question mark clues give no additional information about the region's shape.
    • Region borders may not form any four-way intersections.
  • Starbattle (Small Regions): Shade cells such that each Tatamibari region contains exactly one shaded cell, and each row and column contains exactly 2 shaded cells. Shaded cells may not touch one another, not even diagonally.


Solve on Penpa+

8x8 Example (Penpa+ link):

Solution code: Starting at the top left and going clockwise around the edge of the board, give the region size. In the above example, the solution code is 6263541633

Solved by Jesper, BMEP, Grausbert, Ambrose, bigger, Beanie, ocular, moeve, kjholt, polar, bernhard, gustavobat, Mark Sweep, apiad, Dandelo, CHalb, misko, jkuo7, szabog, hopppe, Gliperal, Zzzyxas, horanayru, OGRussHood, Xavi 17, nottabird, Uhu, ffricke, SudokuExplorer, puzzler05, Roezaea
Full list


on 5. June 2024, 04:07 by Roezaea
lovely puzzle

on 2. March 2023, 09:28 by kjholt
Once again a highlight of the week!

on 28. February 2023, 06:59 by Ambrose
Truly enjoyable!

on 27. February 2023, 01:34 by BMEP
Awesome puzzle! :)

on 26. February 2023, 22:59 by Jesper
Enjoying this series, keep it going :)

Rating:94 %
Solved:31 times
Observed:4 times

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