Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Deconstruksum [Position Sums Deconstruction]

(Published on 26. February 2023, 13:39 by Christounet)

After my deconstruction puzzles #1 and #2, I wanted to keep exploring and try combining it with a rule that my friend and regular tester ONeill likes very much. So this puzzle is dedicated to him. You should definitely try his position sums puzzle, because they are among my favorite ones.

You can check out Jesper's position sums puzzle which provides an example for that rule, but beware I made some slight changes to the position sums rules for my puzzle, so read the rules carefully before solving !

Rules :

Normal sudoku deconstruction apply : Fill the grid with nine non-overlapping 3x3 square regions, such that each region contains the digits 1-9 once each and no digit repeats in any row or column. Cells outside regions do not contain digits.

Position sums :

-Let A and B be the cells in the first and second cells of the grid from any direction

a) Unshaded clues outside the grid indicate the sum of the digits in A and B. If a cell is empty, it counts as 0 for the sum.

b) Shaded clues indicate the sum of the digits in the positions indicated by the digits in A and B, from that direction. If A (or B) is empty, it does not index any cell and it will count as 0 in the sum. For example, if A is empty and B is 4, the shaded clue will be the sum of 0 + the digit in the 4th position from its direction.

If a clue is circled, the cells that are part of its sum belong to the same region.

If a clue is not circled, the cells that are part of its sum may belong to the same region or different regions.

The puzzle :

Solve on Penpa

Difficulty should be around 4/5. There are some steps that may require little tricks related to deconstruction puzzles, and might be harder to spot if you don't have prior experience with deconstruction, so if you get stuck, contact me on Discord and I'll point you in the right direction. If you want to learn basic knowledge on 11×11 deconstruction, you can check out Zetamath's deconstruction puzzle, but it is some logic you can discover by yourself pretty easily, so it's up to you.

Enjoy ! And consider leaving a comment if you appreciate the puzzle !

You can check out my other puzzles here if you liked this one.

Solution code: Row 6 of the grid, X for empy cells (example :123X456789X)

Last changed on on 4. April 2024, 08:57

Solved by ONeill, Gryllulus, Jesper, Leaub, madhupt, Myxo, fjam, ClashCode, Koalagator2, jkuo7, Sewerin, Niverio, francklg88, MicroStudy, h5663454, cdwg2000, Mrtn, rmn, peacherwu2, polar, kjholt, mse326, ... Jaych, Lizzy01, Lyun Licuss, smckinley, Bellsita, Tom-dz, dunder, pandiani42, zakkai, Paletron, Uhu, ManuH, misko, Piatato, MaizeGator, Snookerfan, isajo4002, Las4one, steeto, Yaoning, han233ing
Full list


on 18. July 2024, 17:14 by isajo4002
That was brutal and very satisfying and the fact that you have to use every clue was amazing. Thank you for this beautiful puzzle

on 16. July 2024, 17:45 by Snookerfan
Great puzzle! In my humble opinion I think 4 stars difficulty is reasonable. Thank you

on 24. March 2024, 22:43 by Piatato
Very cool puzzle! Elegant opening setup and a fun solvepath!

on 30. April 2023, 21:48 by lerroyy
Very nice puzzle, thanks!

Last changed on 4. April 2023, 16:56

on 4. April 2023, 16:25 by Paquet Voleur
Hidden comments just told me which step Niverio liked a little less, and I guess I was not attentive enough to even spot it. I didn't bifurcate at all, but somehow managed to find another way around and complete the puzzle. I rated it four stars for difficulty, because I thought the flow of deductions kept coming to me, at least in terms of which general area to look for the next move. Excellent puzzle again. Thanks for setting and sharing!
@Paquet Voleur : I estimated it 4/5 as well, but it ended up being rated a bit higher by some people. I'm glad you found an elegant way of not using the step you refered to. It is always interesting for me when someone takes a different road than the intended path in my puzzles ! Good job and thanks for the nice feedback as always !

Last changed on 15. March 2023, 21:17

on 13. March 2023, 19:44 by Agent
Great puzzle, very clever break-in!
@Agent : Thanks for the kind comment :)

Last changed on 3. March 2023, 09:23

on 2. March 2023, 10:13 by peacherwu2
Very interesting puzzle. Getting more interesting along the way!
@peacherwu2 : Thanks, glad you found my puzzle interesting !

Last changed on 28. February 2023, 16:29

on 27. February 2023, 21:06 by Niverio
Amazing puzzle, if we exclude one specific step :P Enjoyed it quite a lot!
@Niverio : Thanks ! That specific step was actually not intended, but it appeared in the setting process at a certain point, so I just used it and went forward with the next clue. I have noticed that in these deconstruction puzzles, the "rule of leftovers" (as some people call it) will often force the shape of some regions beyond a certain amount of clues. So, in this case, I just used it because it offered me a good way of keeping the clues quite symmetric. Glad you enjoyed it nonetheless :)

Last changed on 28. February 2023, 14:51

on 26. February 2023, 23:58 by Myxo
Nice puzzle!
@Myxo : Thanks !

Last changed on 28. February 2023, 14:50

on 26. February 2023, 23:23 by madhupt
Beautiful construction and very smooth flow of logic. Thanks a lot for sharing this.
@madhupt : Thanks a lot for the very nice comment ! Glad you had a good time !

Last changed on 28. February 2023, 14:50

on 26. February 2023, 15:48 by Jesper
Lovely puzzle, thanks!
@Jesper : Thank you! Means a lot coming from the person who made the concept of position sums popular !

Last changed on 28. February 2023, 14:48

on 26. February 2023, 13:46 by ONeill
Wonderful puzzle! The ruleset works really well and you really extracted the most out of it. My favourite from you so far :)
@ONeill : Thanks for the very positive feedback ! I'm glad you enjoyed this one especially, because I used a rule that you're so fond of :)

Rating:100 %
Solved:49 times
Observed:9 times

Standard puzzle

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