Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Reinventing the wheel

(Published on 24. February 2023, 20:03 by filuta)

This puzzle is a tribute to one of my favourite puzzles - Rainy Day Sudoku. Huge thanks to polar for testing.

Enjoy the puzzle, I will be happy to read your comments.


- Fill in the whole grid with digits 2, 3, 5 and 7 such that every cage contains each of those digits and every cage except one contains no more than one repeated digit.

- Divide the whole grid into regions such that each region contains only digits equal to its size and no two regions of equal size intersect a same cage.

penpa+ link (answer check on digits and edges)

Solution code: Row 6 digits with X where there is a region border between two regions. Then the same for column 6.

Last changed on on 24. February 2023, 22:56

Solved by polar, Jesper, Vebby, pandiani42, wullemuus, Silverstep
Full list


Last changed on 6. April 2024, 22:42

on 6. April 2024, 07:36 by Silverstep
wonderful balance between Math and Insight in this break-in. some puzzles are too mathy and some puzzles are too abstract but this one hits just right :)
I'm happy to hear that, I sort of felt I crossed the line a tiny bit with that break in

Last changed on 9. February 2024, 14:22

on 9. February 2024, 12:58 by wullemuus
Absolutely amazing and brilliant puzzle!
Thanks to your support I was able to finish this super capturing creation!
In fact I misunderstood the solution code- no X needed e.g. at the borders. Is the field in the middle intentionally ambigous?
Thanks a lot, and yeah, choosing a solution code that goes through the middle empty cell was not maybe the best idea, I just chose it since it made sense to me from the solve path perspective.

on 24. February 2023, 23:27 by Jesper
Great puzzle, thanks! Definitely filuta style :)

on 24. February 2023, 22:56 by filuta
Corrected solution code, thanks, Jesper!

on 24. February 2023, 20:39 by polar
I have no idea how or from where you come up with these ideas, but it is very much one of a kind. Any puzzle dedicated to that puzzle, let alone a filuta puzzle seems daunting to me already.. But I loved unravelling it all and you certainly had my head spinning by the end. Thank you :)

Solved:6 times
Observed:6 times


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