Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

LM-Quali 2023 Leftover: ABCtje

(Published on 9. March 2023, 20:23 by ibag)

Each of the given letters must be replaced by a number from 1 to 12. Same letters are replaced by the same number, different letters by different ones. The numbers behind the given words indicate the sum of the values ​​of all contained letters. If letters occur several times, then they are also counted several times.

Solution code: The values of the letters of the word GUNTER.

Last changed on -

Solved by Zzzyxas, StefanSch, r45, Statistica, Luigi, zuzanina, polar, apiad, CJK, ffricke, ksun48, ildiko, misko, saskia-daniela, Lara Croft, ugly2333, Alex, Joe Average, chef., ch1983, SinceTrapped, Nensche777, AnnaTh, pin7guin, Thomas Meier
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on 10. March 2023, 11:43 by Statistica
Nicht nur arm und mutig, sondern auch schön und knifflig, diese 23!

Rating:89 %
Solved:25 times
Observed:3 times

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