Some digits in the grid are fraudulent. These wrogn digits should be shaded over in black. Each row, column and box in the completed grid should contain one shaded cell plus a set of the digits 1-8. Empty cells may also be shaded.
The sum of the digits orthogonally touching a shaded cell must be the same for all shaded cells. It is up to the solver to work out this common total.
An example below showing a valid grid. The digits surrounding shaded cells sum to 17 in this case.
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CtC I decided it would be better to delete the fraudulent digits rather than try to cover them up in the CtC software. They play havoc with the conflict checker and the black shading isn't particularly dark.
Solution code: Row 7. Use S for the shaded cell
on 24. February 2023, 09:16 by qoala
Clever idea!
With CtC/sudokupad, I opted to enter "0"s in the shaded cells (in addition to shading) to make it easier to select the adjacent cells for pencil-marking in a single motion. I suspect that the change to place the givens as small digits helped out.
on 21. February 2023, 19:26 by Al Fresco
I've replaced the CtC link with a better one using pencil marks for the givens.