...Stay On Target!
(Published on 21. February 2023, 15:00 by ViKingPrime)
Normal Sudoku rules apply.
Diagonal: Digits along each diagonal must not repeat.
Killer: The
value of digits within a Killer cage must sum to the number given in the top-left corner. Digits
must not repeat within a Killer cage.
Look-and-Say: The number given in the top-left corner of a Look-and-Say cage indicates the number and type of digits within that cage (
e.g. if a Look-and-Say cage reads as "12" then there is one 2-digit within that cage; a "32" would indicate three 2-digits within that cage). Digits
may repeat if allowed by other rules.
Cage Ambiguity: The nature of each cage must be determined by the solver (
if relevant).
Mobius: Each separate instance of the digit 1 may be considered as having the value of either 1
or 10 (
but not both).
This is a more challenging puzzle than the previous entry entitled
"Stay On Target". Please don't let that discourage you, as once you've uncovered the break-in the puzzle is much less intimidating.
An example puzzle will follow to better illustrate the rules.
Have fun!
Solve in f-puzzles!
Solve in SudokuPad!
Note: It is recommended you turn off the conflict checker during your solve (having a solution inputted provided unintentional spoilers during testing).
Solve in SudokuPad (with solution) ...beware of spoilers!
Solution code: The digits along Row 5, left-to-right, then the digits along Column 5, top-to-bottom.
Last changed on on 18. October 2023, 20:47
Solved by Leira, StefanSch, lianarox, akodi, Maroet, Jaych, Dermerlin, Taratang, Slink, Jodelbanane, Paquet Voleur, codewizard, F53710, PippoForte, Sewerin, Calesch, radium, victarus, KyubiBoy, oskode, jakestilesowen
on 9. December 2024, 18:00 by jakestilesowen
I like the ambiguous cages. I would like to see more ambiguous clues like this in other puzzles.
Last changed on 21. February 2023, 21:53on 21. February 2023, 21:07 by Leira
EDIT: I'm so glad you liked it! Thank you so much for trying it out <3 - VKP