Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Magic Star (Magic Lines Sudoku)

(Published on 17. February 2023, 15:29 by Raumplaner)


- Normal sudoku rules apply.

- Magic lines: Any sequence of three sequential cells along a magic line must sum to 15. Colors are used solely to indicate how lines cross.

- Digits in cells connected by a white dot are consecutive. Not all dots are necessarily given. There is no negative constraint.

Note: The lines in the central box form a 'magic star' which should not be misinterpreted as a 'magic square'.

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Solution code: Row 1 (from left):

Solved by Mad-Tyas, AstralSky, KaedeLen, SKORP17, Bjd, Mayamor, Jlrice2, ClashCode, DanScacca, Myxo, Migu, AvonD, picoton, lovely, Krokant, PippoForte, Nylimb, humaLautema, geronimo92, CareBaer
Full list


on 18. February 2023, 19:24 by Myxo
Nice :)

Last changed on 17. February 2023, 16:29

on 17. February 2023, 15:51 by Mad-Tyas
Nice and beautifully designed puzzle!
Many thanks. Glad you liked it. (Raumplaner)

Rating:84 %
Solved:20 times
Observed:12 times

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