Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Record Highs

(Published on 16. February 2023, 16:00 by ViKingPrime)



Normal Sudoku rules apply.

Thermometer: The value of digits along a thermometer must increase from the bulb to the tip.


Möbius: Each separate instance of the digit 1 may be considered as having the value of either 1 or 10 (but not both).


I'll let the puzzle speak for itself. I really hope you have as much solving it as I did in making it.

Solve in f-puzzles!
Solve in SudokuPad!

The Möbius Series


Watch on Cracking the Cryptic

Solution code: The digits along Row 8, left-to-right, then the digits along Column 8, top-to-bottom.

Last changed on on 18. October 2023, 18:25

Solved by Rawcoder, Jlrice2, kublai, rictech, GorgeousNicko, ananth, hige, Greg, Ceedrich, belfieldtj, dodomos, nmmc123, Guillem98, pookster, MontanaPearl, SKORP17, JackTheWeenie, zrbakhtiar, nordloc, ... Econic, sappho, ashekke, kisha, NemoBlub, fhm_vernando, tgstar, muule, LizardOfEarthsea, bpRobbo, gdc, Kenji769, dellC, Crabbsy Malone, ChulioZ, JazzCarballo, hasti2c, Aran-Fey, arangues, kross
Full list


on 29. January 2025, 20:48 by bpRobbo
Thought I would really struggle with the mobius, but managed it! 18:20

on 12. December 2024, 20:24 by Riccardo
Lovely! First time using the Möbius constraint, it made for a really interesting solve. I liked it.
Time: 21 min

on 7. December 2024, 16:29 by jakestilesowen
A cute little puzzle. Could perhaps use another with similar rules and higher difficulty. :)

on 15. July 2024, 21:15 by cozoq
First time trying a Möbius rule puzzle. It was quite nice! Thanks for sharing!

on 11. June 2024, 10:50 by wuc
Cool twist. Bit harder than typical 1 star to me. Great fun thx.

on 16. August 2023, 23:13 by silent_rob
Great, fun puzzle; first time I've encountered the mobius modifier and I found it really interesting.

on 4. July 2023, 09:08 by Nebu
The instructions in the CTC version say "Mobius: for all of the above rule-sets, the digit 1 may be considered as having the value of 1 and/or 10" which confused me, because I thought a 1 could simultaneously act as a 1 and a 10, meaning a termometer with "567891234" would be valid. I think it would be clearer to say that any individual 1 in the puzzle can have a value of either 1 or 10, but not both.

Last changed on 30. April 2023, 20:12

on 30. April 2023, 20:12 by Pipsiundarno
not played for a while, was a fun one!

on 24. April 2023, 20:56 by brennan77
Beautiful puzzle!

on 3. March 2023, 02:39 by PinkNickels

on 3. March 2023, 00:35 by Syzygy
Thank you! A fun and very straightforward solve! I loved it!

on 2. March 2023, 06:42 by SudokuHero
First time encountering this rule set, and in a very approachable puzzle no less. Very fun solve. Thank you.

on 26. February 2023, 16:18 by Klausku
Very nice.

on 25. February 2023, 22:42 by SimplePurpleFrog
Very approachable and very enjoyable, thank you.

on 17. February 2023, 22:40 by espindolaa
Really fun! Got a little stuck at the end but, overall, flows very nice :)

on 17. February 2023, 02:12 by RussKozerski
Lots of fun. Thank you.

on 17. February 2023, 02:00 by thoughtbyte
Great intro to this constraint, loved it. Thanks!

on 16. February 2023, 23:45 by anyeyeball
What a fun puzzle! Long live the Möbius. Thank you for setting it.

on 16. February 2023, 22:46 by topoi
Fun times! Very approachable. Good introduction to variant sudokus for someone trying them out.

Last changed on 16. February 2023, 22:58

on 16. February 2023, 22:44 by sacklunch
Very cool puzzle! I hadn't solved one with that mobius modifier before, interesting logic and well-implemented here. Thanks @VKP!

EDIT: Thank you! The Mobius thing is just something I came up with but I'm really hoping to see other people try it out in their own puzzles. - VKP

on 16. February 2023, 18:56 by Goofy
Really nice Thermo Mobius Sudoku. I like the Idea with the 2 Long thermos interacting with another

on 16. February 2023, 16:50 by Ceedrich
Wow, really beautiful with some unexpected turns. Thank You!

on 16. February 2023, 16:29 by GorgeousNicko
Wham Bam, Thank You, Möbius!

on 16. February 2023, 16:28 by rictech
Very nice! Good intro to the Mobius constraint. Thanks!

Last changed on 16. February 2023, 16:31

on 16. February 2023, 16:19 by Rawcoder
Very interesting and fun solve. Not too difficult. I would rate it 1-1,5.

EDIT: Thank you so much! I wasn't sure where to set it, 1 or 2, since it's not a hard puzzle but not super straightforward. I'll set it to 1-star and hopefully that will be a better indication of the challenge. - VKP

Rating:93 %
Solved:592 times
Observed:12 times

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