Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Profusion (Yin Yang Killer)

(Published on 14. February 2023, 19:07 by troptot)

Normal Sudoku rules apply
Every cell in the grid is either shaded or unshaded. All shaded cells are orthogonally connected, as are all unshaded cells. No 2x2 area may be fully shaded or fully unshaded. A digit in a circle tells you how many of its surrounding (up to 8) cells have a different parity compared to itself (shaded/unshaded). Digits in a cage add up to the number in the topleft


Solution code: Row 3 plus the number of shaded squares in each of rows 2 and 7 assuming R1C1 is shaded (11 digits)

Last changed on on 15. February 2023, 00:07

Solved by Calvinball, sacklunch, jkuo7, wilsig, Dandelo, abed hawila, bernhard, lars, AvonD, jhow25, Snookerfan, Briks, Jesper, achim-t, MontanaPearl, sgerstenberger, AKernel, Jodelbanane, Askloomok, wildbush7, Dentones, darrenfwl, Netra, Kavman15, flyjim, Jubedu, Timwi, Procyon, Asphodel, Dot, coreng, codewizard, Hi Benji, ginkgo, chippers, dogfarts, MaNCS, yttrio
Full list


on 27. September 2023, 13:25 by codewizard
That was a really nice puzzle, flowed very nicely. Although I could solve the sudoku before the shading. Great work!

on 19. February 2023, 20:29 by Briks
It took me very long to see but then it was quite straight. I really liked it.

on 18. February 2023, 21:11 by Snookerfan
Very nice! Love yin yang, thank you

on 15. February 2023, 02:11 by sacklunch
Great puzzle! I also found the solution code unnecessarily confusing, tbh, but the puzzle itself was challenging and fun. Thanks for setting!

on 15. February 2023, 00:10 by troptot
Hi Calvinball, thanks for your comment, hopefully all is clear now for future solvers (if any).

on 15. February 2023, 00:07 by troptot
Changed solution code description

on 14. February 2023, 23:51 by Calvinball
Very nice! For me at least it seemed to get trickier the farther in I got in, making it even more rewarding as I started breaking it all down.

On a side note if anyone gets confused on the solution code (like I did lol). The solution code is 11 numbers, don't go typing out all the shaded cells in those rows just count them.

Rating:94 %
Solved:38 times
Observed:8 times

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