Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Round and Round

(Published on 12. February 2023, 21:29 by zetamath)

Normal fillomino rules apply. (Divide the grid into ominos. Each cell contains the size of its omino. Two ominos of the same size cannot share an edge.)

A white dot indicates that the digits on either side are consecutive. A black dot indicates that the digits on either side have a ratio of 2:1. Not all dots are necessarily given.

Every omino includes at most one circle. Two circles in the same row/column cannot contain the same digit.

All ominos in this puzzle have size 1-9. This is not logically necessary (or useful) for the solve but allows you to solve the puzzle in SudokuPad if you prefer. Both tools have built in answer check which cares only about the numbers filled in the cells.

Have fun, leave a comment if you enjoy the puzzle!

Play this puzzle in Penpa

Play this puzzle in SudokuPad

PS: I stream solving sudoku like puzzles three days a week. You can check out the channel, as well as some videos I have made about setting puzzles, at my YouTube channel here.

Solution code: Row 7

Solved by Jay Dyer, Koalagator2, MicroStudy, kinnison, PrimeWeasel, KNT, h5663454, wooferzfg, Ambrose, Mrtn, SudokuExplorer, Andrewsarchus, AceOfSpades, Jesper, Piatato, twototenth, dodomos, jkuo7, Vebby, ... abadx, Ploctypus, Bobbobert, Clairitin, Calesch, moss, MountBecton, MorsBe, yayitsHannaH, mattlafy, maniacaljackal, Exigus, dogfarts, bereolosp, TheZwierz, cmatthews30, teff, dustpan, isajo4002
Full list


Last changed on 19. August 2023, 16:17

on 19. August 2023, 16:16 by Counterfeitly
This is tangential to the puzzle, but does SudokuPad support letters in cells for the answer check? If so, you could do up to 18 pretty smoothly as long as you let people know to use octadecimal (i.e. A=10). I personally end up using the letters that way when doing puzzles with double-digit cell values, and if the setter goes in with that assumption it seems like it would be easy enough for most people to adopt

on 1. May 2023, 22:33 by lemononmars
Smooth solve path

on 11. April 2023, 04:47 by dumediat
Excellent puzzle, thank you!

on 17. February 2023, 02:00 by Christounet
Funny puzzle with unusual fillomino logic. Thanks !

on 15. February 2023, 09:54 by ddx2407
Nice and easy. A good morning puzzle, to start the day with. Thank you!

on 13. February 2023, 20:24 by szabog
Very good idea, thank you.

on 13. February 2023, 00:00 by Andrewsarchus
Very Fun!

on 12. February 2023, 23:32 by Ambrose
Very enjoyable!

on 12. February 2023, 23:25 by wooferzfg
Interesting puzzle. For me, there was a jump in difficulty about halfway through, but the entire puzzle was manageable. I also thought that the Kropki logic felt pretty different from the rest of the puzzle.

on 12. February 2023, 22:36 by kinnison
This was the first Fillomino puzzle I got all the way to the end on, lovely, thank you Zetamath.

Rating:94 %
Solved:107 times
Observed:8 times

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