Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Stay On Target

(Published on 14. February 2023, 02:51 by ViKingPrime)



Normal Sudoku rules apply.

Diagonal: Digits along each diagonal must not repeat.
Killer: The value of digits within a cage must sum to the number given in the top-left corner and digits must not repeat within a cage.
Thermometer: The value of digits along a thermometer must increase from the bulb to the tip.


Möbius: Each separate instance of the digit 1 may be considered as having the value of either 1 or 10 (but not both).


This is another exploration of a particular modifying constraint, which I like to refer to as "Möbius" (since the 1 is in effect wrapping around to join up with the 9!).

An example puzzle will follow to better illustrate the rules.

Have fun!

Solve in f-puzzles!
Solve in SudokuPad!

The Möbius Series

Solution code: The digits along Row 7, read left-to-right.

Last changed on on 18. October 2023, 20:47

Solved by rictech, Zyphix, dskaff, VivaWolf, belfieldtj, cegie, efnenu, Timwi, MusiKaiser, 11srube, GorgeousNicko, peterkp, AvonD, SenatorGronk, Raistlen, galium_odoratum, wilsig, achim-t, Mason_Jones4, ... spamus, Sewerin, Rummmp, Kallor, Calesch, Jafacake, radium, diziet, GhTheOne, Mgbator, cascadeshiker, victarus, KyubiBoy, Toren, jgarber, lmdemasi, ThePedallingPianist, jakestilesowen, Spooof
Full list


on 7. December 2024, 16:26 by jakestilesowen
Mobius is certainly an interesting modifier, and I'd be interested in seeing more like it.

on 23. March 2023, 12:06 by Syzygy
Lovely solve path, and agree with the comments about the möbius not being too scary - good Möbius intro for newbies.
Thanks again for the great puzzles

on 3. March 2023, 03:00 by PinkNickels
Phenomenal puzzle!

Last changed on 17. February 2023, 11:34

on 17. February 2023, 01:24 by peep50183
Cool puzzle with a nice twist, I could see how this modifier might get very tricky very quickly...

Last changed on 14. February 2023, 21:32

on 14. February 2023, 21:03 by galium_odoratum
Great puzzle, fun to solve. Regarding the rules I wasn't completely sure if digits were allowed to repeat in cages or not, maybe specify that in the rules.

EDIT: Fixed! I have learned a valuable lesson today about posting puzzles on three-hours worth of sleep XD - VKP

on 14. February 2023, 18:58 by GorgeousNicko
Very interesting constraint!

Last changed on 14. February 2023, 13:48

on 14. February 2023, 13:15 by Timwi
The graphics contain diagonal lines but the rules do not mention this. If the diagonals must have unique digits, it would be nice if the rules clarified that.

EDIT: it was listed in the links but I must have spaced on updating the page! I'm so sorry, should be correct on Logic Masters now - VKP

on 14. February 2023, 05:39 by VivaWolf
Very good puzzle!

on 14. February 2023, 03:36 by rictech
Very nice, the mobius constraint wasn’t too intimidating in this one. I enjoyed it throughout, thanks!

Rating:93 %
Solved:113 times
Observed:10 times

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