Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Teleporting X-Sums

(Published on 10. February 2023, 19:02 by SenatorGronk)

  • Standard sudoku rules apply
  • Each row, column, and box has one teleporter cell, each of which contains a different digit.
  • Clues on the outside of the grid are X-Sums -- where X is the digit closest to the clue, and the clue is the sum of the first X digits in the row/column in that direction.
  • If an X-sum clue hits a teleporter cell, after including its digit in the sum, you are teleported to the next highest teleporter cell (with the 9 pointing to the 1), and must continue your sum from there in the same direction (the destination teleporter cell is not counted in the X-sum).
  • No given clues will teleport you in a way where you hit the end of the grid before reaching your expected cell count.


SudokuPad (CtC)

Solution code: Row 8 + Column 7 (18 digits)

Last changed on on 8. March 2023, 22:09

Solved by OutOfMyMindBRB, henrypijames, IEEE754, SKORP17, BenTen, SquaringSquirrel, tuturitu
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on 8. March 2023, 22:09 by SenatorGronk
Updated link

on 7. March 2023, 01:58 by BenTen
That was a well-crafted puzzle with lots of cool logic. Took me two hours but it was worth it!

on 23. February 2023, 21:52 by SenatorGronk
Fixing link

on 21. February 2023, 16:53 by SenatorGronk
Added a walkthrough

on 13. February 2023, 18:40 by SenatorGronk

Last changed on 13. February 2023, 16:11

on 13. February 2023, 10:19 by henrypijames
Great stuff, but only 3 difficulty for me.

"No clue will teleport you ..." should be "No *given* clue ...", because there are such things as non-given clues (at least in some other puzzles).

Last changed on 10. February 2023, 23:46

on 10. February 2023, 21:19 by OutOfMyMindBRB
What a beautiful puzzle!

Challenging, with intricate logical steps. A joy to solve - thanks :-)

Solved:7 times
Observed:6 times

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