Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Temperature Inversion

(Published on 10. February 2023, 09:04 by Die Hard)

Normal Sudoku rules apply. Digits on the marked diagonal must not repeat. Digits separated by a kings move must not repeat.

The grid contains a number of "bi-directional thermometers" (ie: digits must increase from the bulb end, but the bulb end is not known). Each thermometer contains either all odd or all even digits. The blue and red thermometers are special as follows:

  1. The position of their bulbs are known and are coloured.
  2. The blue bulb is colder than the red bulb (ie: it contains a lower digit).
  3. The blue thermometer is colder than the red thermometer (ie: the sum of all of its digits is lower).

Play on CTC

A number of people have asked to play the harder version. This is not recommended, but is available here:

Play Harder Version

Solution code: All 9 digits from row 5 (the middle row).

Last changed on on 19. March 2023, 01:46

Solved by atlantiszx, Elliott810, Chelo, Fw1728, hungkenchanlee, Megalobrainiac, jkuo7, SKORP17, SSG, fjam, Spacy86, madhupt, cpx86, Onkel_Dagobert, GeorgeTheToad2, Blobz, SudokuHero, ascension, Illuminated, Chishiri, lianarox, OGRussHood, bbutrosghali, Jagga, Uhu, geronimo92, palmtree23, michaal94, PippoForte, zrbakhtiar
Full list


on 19. March 2023, 01:46 by Die Hard
Added tags.

on 18. February 2023, 22:21 by Die Hard
Added link to alternative harder version of the puzzle.

on 10. February 2023, 13:48 by Fisherman
I hope the community pardons me for commenting on a puzzle I haven't solved. I wholeheartedly concur with the setter that not every puzzle has to be hard. After all, children, newbies and people like me, who are weak at solving, and come to this site looking for approachable puzzles. Thanks for looking out for us.

Last changed on 10. February 2023, 12:31

on 10. February 2023, 12:30 by Die Hard
This puzzle design deliberately prioritised enjoyment over difficulty. There are two "thermometers" in the puzzle that are completely unnecessary for the solve. In my mind, not every puzzle needs to be a 4 or 5 star difficulty. Let me know if I made the right call.

on 10. February 2023, 10:29 by Elliott810
Beautiful puzzle (2* difficulty)! Thanks:)

Rating:94 %
Solved:30 times
Observed:12 times

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