Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Hot start

(Published on 10. February 2023, 08:11 by lars)

I saw so many people having fun setting up puzzles, that I gave it a go. Hope you enjoy! Feedback will always be appreciated.

• Normal Sudoku rules apply.
Thermometers: Digits along thermometers increase from the bulb end.
Palindrome: The grey lines are palindromes and read the same in both directions (e.g. 1221)
Kropki: Black dots separate two cells with a ratio of 1:2, meaning that one digit is double the other (not all dots are given).
Killer: Digits within a cage sum to the number given in the top-left corner.

Play online on F-Puzzles

Solution code: Row1, Column 5 (18 digits, no spaces)

Last changed on on 10. February 2023, 08:15

Solved by jalebc, NineK, asver, AN_not_IO, Marcos, Xalothros, ralphwaldo1, GorgeousNicko, h5663454, MoHaMeD05, atlantiszx, Chelo, by81996672, dodomos, 11srube, belfieldtj, PippoForte, peep50183, nmmc123, ... iyork, sorendipitous, jlaitio, abadx, YGe, Felis_Timon, EnotiAndy, asii, okravetz, scushuaishuai, cornuto, starelev5, pepe74287, cascadeshiker, jcelia, Toren, ark29, augsod, cozoq, dan19, Procrat
Full list


on 1. August 2024, 05:00 by cozoq
Really cool puzzle!

on 2. April 2023, 03:16 by RussKozerski
Very enjoyable. This is one of my first 2-star puzzles. It took me a while to realize I could use P's ring, but then I felt like maybe I cheated. Looking at the puzzle in hindsight, it seems that must have been intended. If this is your first go at setting a puzzle, as your comments suggest, then you definitely have a talent for it. Keep up the great work!

on 26. March 2023, 06:06 by nomos
My favourite puzzle I have done so far. Such a satisfying conclusion.

on 10. February 2023, 21:28 by sacklunch
Really enjoyable, thank you! Hope to see more from you :)

on 10. February 2023, 11:11 by Chelo
Very nice puzzle!.. I enjoyed it very much, thank you for setting it!..

on 10. February 2023, 10:02 by ralphwaldo1
Nice pattern to break into box 5. I don't think the thermo in that box needs the last square (R4C5), I solved without it.

on 10. February 2023, 08:15 by lars
Typos fixed.

Rating:91 %
Solved:142 times
Observed:10 times

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