Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Nurimisaki Snowballs

(Published on 7. February 2023, 03:52 by mathpesto)

Ever since PulverizingPancake made me a nurimisaki-sudoku hybrid for Secret Santa, I've been itching to set one myself. I recently got inspired after solving Nordy's "Snowballs", which is a brilliant ruleset and absolutely fantastic puzzle, so do check that out too!


Normal Sudoku rules apply.

Nurimisaki: Shade some cells such that all unshaded cells form a single orthogonally connected area and no 2x2 region is entirely shaded or unshaded. Each circle in the grid is unshaded and acts as a dead-end—that is, exactly one of a circle’s orthogonally adjacent cells is unshaded. All circles (i.e. dead-ends) are given. A digit in a circle indicates the number of unshaded cells it sees. Shaded cells obstruct vision.

Snowballs: A blue circle is also a snowball, which rolls in a straight line—either horizontally or vertically—along the unshaded cells it sees. After the first two digits along this path, each digit is the sum of the previous two. (A snowball path must be of length 3 or more.)


Solution code: Column 1 (top to bottom, no spaces, 9 digits)

Solved by Bellsita, h5663454, jkuo7, ademjaz, abed hawila, mercierus, madhupt, Jaych, Franjo, Nordy, Vebby, DVFrank, AvonD, Jesper, henrypijames, dmgciubotaru, farodin64, prodigis, thibert, Xavi 17, G1lmlast, ... Bootenks, Ziboo, Grymbarth, widjo, zhantyzgz, Tacosian, Counterfeitly, P12345, Apathetic Husk, puzzeenjoyer, Across, bolado, StephenR, teuthida, JustinTucker, scottmb, Jonhy, Calesch, petecavcc
Full list


on 11. January 2024, 21:55 by StephenR
Fun once I'd got my head round the rules.

on 30. April 2023, 23:01 by Bootenks
Compared to the other ones I did today, this puzzle was approachable. But it was a joy, anyway. :D

on 23. April 2023, 04:01 by GexTed
Stunning puzzle, thank you! Might be worth clarifying that 'the number of unshaded cells it sees' includes itself.

on 27. March 2023, 07:46 by TJReds
Beautiful puzzle! Solved it much faster than I expected for my first Nurimisaki puzzle.

on 7. February 2023, 21:19 by Nordy
Amazing how well everything works out in this puzzle! Very nice introduction to both Nurimisaki and Snowballs :)

on 7. February 2023, 19:21 by Franjo
Very interesting Fibonacci-Puzzle. Thanks for sharing!

on 7. February 2023, 09:01 by ademjaz
Very fun puzzle!

Rating:97 %
Solved:51 times
Observed:12 times

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