The rules for this puzzle come from tuace (see also 0001VU 0001VX 0001XK 00028E).
Nurikabe: Shade some cells so that all shaded cells form one orthogonally connected area. Every orthogonally connected area of unshaded cells contains exactly one clue, the value of which represents the size of the area. No 2x2 region may be entirely shaded.
Lighthouses: Place ships into some shaded cells. Clue cells may be shaded, in which case they are lighthouses, which indicate the total number of ships sharing a row or column with the clue. Ships may not touch each other or lighthouses, not even diagonally.
The ? can represent any value.
Solution code: Row 4, Row 8: L for land, W for water, S for ship
on 15. April 2023, 20:40 by madhupt
A small clarification please. Does the ? denote a single digit number or any value? Thanks a lot.
@madhupt Sorry for the late response, but it can denote any value, including 0 and numbers above 9.
on 10. February 2023, 00:34 by filuta
Work of art, but very hard for me.
on 8. February 2023, 21:25 by KNT
This was a lot of fun to test. Insane opening logic.