Stealing Gas #2
(Published on 7. February 2023, 01:01 by troptot)
Normal Sudoku rules apply
Green areas are clones; they contain the same digits in the same relative positions
Digits on either side of a black dot are in a 2:1 ratio
Digits on either side of a white dot are consecutive
Cells separated by a V sum to 5
Cells separated by an X sum to 10
Solution code: Row 2
Last changed on -
Solved by SKORP17, nmmc123, kublai, jguer, rictech, jalebc, MontanaPearl, gutman, Bjd, michalil, farodin64, wilsig, slowbiex, Shotguntemplar, pepe74287, mercierus, Ragna, kkli, ElimGarak, Banana, MB_Cyclist, ... ficko, Julianl, zuzanina, BenTen, dskaff, 11srube, asver, Franjo, AvonD, dmgciubotaru, NineK, Cat Daddy, Uhu, ManuH, lovely, zorant, PippoForte, Felis_Timon, zrbakhtiar, karen_birgitta, tgstar
on 7. February 2023, 20:44 by troptot
@julien 505
A 3 in the top left clone cell forces a 4 in R5C7 and a 2 in R6C6 and thus killing the X (and in particular R6C9) in box 6.
Last changed on 7. February 2023, 18:20on 7. February 2023, 18:19 by julien505
Was able to fill in almost the whole green areas in 2 or 3 different ways without breaking the puzzle right away (after heavily constraining it with pencilmarks). Ultimately went for a specific way and ended up working. Anyone care to explain how to disambiguate this?