Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Average Sudoku 5

(Published on 31. January 2023, 10:12 by Lyun Licuss)

This puzzle is a variant of a Killer Sudoku.

1. Standard Sudoku rules apply;

2.Standard Killer Sudoku rules:Digits are not repeated in the cage;

3. The average of all digits in each cage is an integer.And if there is a given number in the cage, the average number of the cage is equal to it; otherwise, the average number is not in the cage.

Here are some examples:

If there is a cage with three cells, and giving a number like "8", then this "8" is the average of these three digits in the cage, so the sum is 24 and only can fill this cage with "7,8 and 9"

If there is a cage with three cells, but it's blank, then "7,8 and 9" couldn't be fill in it, because the average is "8" didn't be given in that cage, but you can fill it like "1,2,6" or "1,2,9", Their average are "3" or "4" not including by themselves

CTC link. Have fun solving!

I think there is a little bit tricky in this puzzle. I hope you like it.

Your feedback and comments are highly appreciated :) Enjoy !

Solution code: Row 7, Column 7

Solved by Gryllulus, Dentones, nmmc123, AstralSky, OhHeyGuysItsMax, hige, SKORP17, by81996672, AryaSV, bansalsaab, kjholt, GutenTag, varuhan, Leonard Hal, Felis_Timon, NB_CN, Misaki
Full list


on 19. August 2023, 00:25 by NB_CN
multiple solutions

on 2. February 2023, 07:00 by kjholt
Definitely five star difficulty for me, and not even close! I must have missed a trick because it went from super smooth to a bit of a slog partway through.

on 1. February 2023, 18:52 by AryaSV
Very interesting puzzle.

Rating:77 %
Solved:17 times
Observed:6 times

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