Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

3 Bags Full

(Published on 30. January 2023, 02:17 by panthchesh)

Normal irregular sudoku rules apply.
Normal two-color Japanese sums rules apply. Colors used in this puzzle are black and grey.

The clues outside the grid indicate the sums of the contiguous runs found in that row or column that must be shaded black for black clues and gray for blue clues. If a clue is red, then both colors must be present in the row or column. There must be an unshaded cell between runs of the same color, though there is no need between runs of differing colors. If a row or column is unclued, there is no shading in that row or column.

Solution code: Column 1 Row 5

Solved by kublai, bigger, jkuo7, Vebby, abed hawila, Fool on Hill, Dentones, JayForty, IEEE754, OGRussHood, Nalinchen, Montinox, Krokant, SSG, SKORP17, pianobarry87, DillyK, Chishiri, karen_birgitta, Uhu, ManuH, Smoncko, tess, pillowss
Full list


on 10. February 2023, 18:35 by Nalinchen
Solved during its testing phase on the CTC discord back in January and really enjoyed the flow and logic!

on 31. January 2023, 20:56 by JayForty
Lovely puzzle, thank you!

Last changed on 31. January 2023, 03:29

on 30. January 2023, 21:41 by Fool on Hill
This is a lovely challenge with a real interaction between the rules and geometry and some very nice (challenging) Japanese Sums deductions too.

Panthera: Thank you so much!! :)

Last changed on 31. January 2023, 03:29

on 30. January 2023, 12:12 by abed hawila
Very nice!

Panthera: thank you!!

Rating:93 %
Solved:24 times
Observed:8 times

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