Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Flux Capacitor Y

(Published on 29. January 2023, 10:51 by Christounet)

This puzzle uses more classical variants than my previous ones, and I think I've found an interesting pattern that I wanted to share. I hope this will be as much fun to solve as it was to set it.

Thanks to tallcat, Scott Strosahl and Migu for testing it!

Rules :

- Normal sudoku rules apply.

- Arrows : digits along an arrow sum to the digit in that arrow's circle.

- Renban : digits on a renban (purple lines) form a set of non repeating consecutive digits in any order.

- Diagonals : the 2 main diagonals (marked in blue) must each contain the digits 1 to 9 once each.

- The grey circle in R1C1 is odd.

Note : arrows and renbans are overlapping in R5C3, R5C4, R3C5 and R4C5.

The puzzle :


CTC webapp (with answer check)

Enjoy ! And consider giving feedback if you appreciate the puzzle !

You can check out my other puzzles here if you liked this one.

Solution code: Row 2 and column 2 (18 digits, no space)

Last changed on on 30. January 2023, 11:11

Solved by mobiustrip, SimiC, dskaff, OutOfMyMindBRB, Bjd, OhHeyGuysItsMax, Julianl, tallcat, pepe74287, nunc, SKORP17, Mrtn, Migu, Jagga, Leaub, AvonD, shangchenxi123, unterwasserboot, galgamer, ... Qodec, josemadre, akamchinjir, francklg88, Frutlop, Jaych, lerroyy, Paquet Voleur, Zacbelle, Bellsita, PippoForte, shafer, Piatato, MaizeGator, Snookerfan, mezkur7, lmdemasi, ZornsLemon, Bobimsome
Full list


on 15. July 2024, 18:35 by Snookerfan
Stunning puzzle and great fun! Thank you

on 31. March 2024, 01:15 by Piatato
Very nice geometry, thanks!

Last changed on 30. April 2023, 20:41

on 30. April 2023, 19:40 by Paquet Voleur
Thank you Christounet for another thoroughly enjoyable puzzle! There was trickier part for me towards the end but I kept looking around trying to find the key, trusting that you don't expect us solvers to run parallel solutions to do your puzzles, and finally figured out what you meant us to find. Lots of beautiful deductions all along!
@Paquet Voleur : So glad you enjoyed that ! And indeed, bifurcation is something I try to avoid when setting.

Last changed on 16. February 2023, 20:26

on 2. February 2023, 10:37 by Niverio
Beautiful patterns all over the place!
Thanks Niverio, and thanks for the solve :)

on 30. January 2023, 11:11 by Christounet
added german translation :)

Last changed on 29. January 2023, 14:26

on 29. January 2023, 13:08 by OutOfMyMindBRB
Beautiful design and solve :-)

Thanks OutOfMyMindBRB, I especially worked on the design for this one. I have some more related design in store for later :-)

Last changed on 29. January 2023, 14:23

on 29. January 2023, 12:21 by mobiustrip
Beautiful puzzle, thanks Christounet!

Thanks mobiustrip, glad you liked it !

on 29. January 2023, 11:24 by Christounet
Typo in text

Rating:93 %
Solved:58 times
Observed:12 times

Standard puzzle

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