Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Rule of Thirds

(Published on 28. January 2023, 20:24 by amberdot)


Normal Sudoku rules apply: fill the grid with digits 1 to 9 appearing each exactly once in every row, column and 3x3 box.

Negative-diagonal: Digits along the marked diagonal must not repeat.

Disjoint: Cells in the same relative position in each box must not contain the same digit.

Killer Sudoku: Digits in cages must not repeat and must sum to the indicated total.

Kropki: The two cells joined by a white dot must contain consecutive digits.

Play it on: F-Puzzles | SudokuPad

Solution code: Row 2 and Row 8 (left to right, no spaces)

Last changed on on 30. January 2023, 15:50

Solved by Elysara, MicroStudy, Jlrice2, Onyx, cathematician, Julianl, Gnombat, SKORP17, Myreque, AvonD, Steven R, thrutch, jalebc, Cypher, Dermerlin, ademjaz, apendleton, Greg, MalkoMann2, Snookerfan, ... hollowpineapple, Crul, Odinvi00, Schesam, underdude, traga, wisty, PippoForte, dingledork, Felis_Timon, zrbakhtiar, NeroChaos, Shmartus, humaLautema, erkiraak, MorsBe, MysticMan, finger, areigner
Full list


on 2. February 2023, 16:24 by Shotguntemplar
I forgot about white dot.

on 1. February 2023, 12:42 by Montikulum
In no world is this a 2 star-puzzle (3-4 depending on your expertise I would say). That notwithstanding, the break-in (if and when you spot it) is very beautiful indeed and as others have written before the rest of the puzzle flows smoothly after that.

on 31. January 2023, 06:35 by Crusader175
Absolutely beautiful!

on 30. January 2023, 15:50 by amberdot
update wording of rules.

on 30. January 2023, 15:10 by H.I. McDunnough
I abandoned this last night because the break-in was eluding me. It came to me just as I was falling asleep. I had to finish it this morning. Great puzzle. Thank you.

on 30. January 2023, 14:09 by Mr.CHEN
The description of the rule is incorrect. "Anti-diagonal" refers to only three digits on the marked diagonal. This should be called "negative-diagonal" in this puzzle.

on 29. January 2023, 14:46 by nearestneighbour
Clever is the right word, really cool use of the disjoint rule

on 29. January 2023, 09:18 by ademjaz
Very smooth and satisfying, loved it!

on 29. January 2023, 05:40 by thrutch
An absolutely lovely bit of work by amberdot. Very nice break-in, fairly challenging but the signs are all there, then a nice relaxed journey the rest of the way.

on 28. January 2023, 20:27 by Elysara
The break in is very clever, and the rest of the puzzle flows very well after the difficult break in

Rating:96 %
Solved:56 times
Observed:10 times

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