Double Duty Dots & Boxes
(Published on 28. January 2023, 07:08 by KusaneHexaku)
Divide the grid into
1x2 or 1x3 regions. Regions connected by a white dot must be of the same size and orientation, regions connected by a black dot must be of opposite size and orientation, and regions connected by a gray dot must be either of the same size or orientation, but not both.
Place the digits 1-7 into the grid so that every digit appear exactly once in every row and column. If a Voxas box contains a TomTom clue, it becomes a TomTom cage. Digits inside a TomTom cage must give the indicated result when the indicated operation is applied.
Division and subtraction cages are always a 1x2. TomTom cages may contain only one clue, which may or may not be at the top-left most position of the cage.
Place the digits 1-7 into the grid so that every digit appear exactly once in every row and column. Digits separated by a white dot must have a difference of 1, digits separated by a black dot must be in a 1:2 ratio, and as an additional rule, digits separated by a gray dot must neither have a difference of 1, nor have a ratio of 1:2. Not all possible dots have been given.
Solve on Penpa+
Solution code: The digits and vertical border segments in row 3, then row 5. Use | for the vertical border, e.g. 12|345|6|77|6|54|3|21
Solved by Zzzyxas, szabog, KNT, bigger, Jesper, moss, Mark Sweep, h5663454, phi11ipus, ThePedallingPianist, Kitty Trouble
on 18. February 2023, 09:33 by Mark Sweep
Lovely combination!
on 28. January 2023, 17:59 by KNT
very nice morning puzzle :)
on 28. January 2023, 15:02 by szabog
Thank you, very good working rulesets.