Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Kakuro-Suguru Chaos Construction

(Published on 25. January 2023, 20:05 by mathpesto)


Kakuro: Fill all white cells with the digits 1–9. A digit may not repeat within a horizontal block nor vertical block of white cells. The sum of a horizontal block equals the clue on its left, if given, and the sum of a vertical block equals the clue on its top, if given.

Suguru: Divide the grid into regions. Every white cell belongs to a region, and gray cells do not. Each region is a collection of n orthogonally connected cells consisting of the digits 1 through n once each. A digit may not touch itself orthogonally nor diagonally.

6x6 Example (just the digits 1–6):



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Solution code: Digits in the bottom row (left to right, 7 digits, no spaces)

Solved by Bellsita, Dentones, KNT, Jaych, tubahat, Jesper, Myxo, Crusader175, chameleon, lerroyy, PulverizingPancake, jkuo7, kjholt, bigger, cdwg2000, karen_birgitta, Beanie, Piatato, ancarro, Snookerfan, ... zhall12570, Saskia, Mickeyman, Las4one, P12345, konklone, helle, RockyRoer, StephenR, rubbeng, Sewerin, blahdude, TheZwierz, Chefofdeath, Gorzantinopulus, godoffours, Samish, RyugaMaster, zakkai
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on 6. January 2024, 09:49 by StephenR
What a brilliant construction, immaculately engineered. And I'd forgotten how good a good kakuro can be.

on 7. August 2023, 06:29 by konklone
This was a super fun-dense puzzle. Kakuro puzzles have a unique flavor with very few across-the-grid interactions, which makes the puzzle a series of more tactical engagements where there's generally no reinforcements coming to help you from anywhere else. It forces you to think deeply about the subtle constraints of the skirmish you're in, which to me is very fun and something that Kakuro heightens more than Sudoku-based puzzles. Terrific puzzle and among my favorites of your suguru series (which I'm now almost done with!).

Last changed on 17. July 2023, 10:05

on 17. July 2023, 10:04 by Mickeyman
Really enjoyed this puzzle! I thought a few times 'surely this does not have a single solution!' only to find out the next step disambiguating everything. Well done Math Pesto!

on 29. May 2023, 07:06 by Xendari
Great fun, thanks! Particularly loved that ending :)

on 29. May 2023, 05:45 by Krokant
A Kakuro-Suguru is such a nice idea. This is a lovely puzzle (and quite approchable I'd say). :)

on 28. January 2023, 22:26 by Christounet
Never had done a kakuro puzzle before. Looks like a numerical crossword. Very cool combination with lots of nice logic all around. My favorite part was the bottom left with a very subtle region/numerical logic. Thanks !

on 26. January 2023, 13:47 by Snookerfan
Great and fun puzzle! Thank you

on 26. January 2023, 13:22 by Piatato
Very nice! Not too hard either, although I got a bit nervous for the last few minutes that passed before realizing that I had forgot to notice the no touch rule, haha.

on 26. January 2023, 00:12 by Myxo
Wonderful puzzle, loved it!

Rating:97 %
Solved:85 times
Observed:9 times

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